Chapter 8 || Disaster. 

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// AAAA IM SORRY ITS BEEN SUCH A LONG TIME SINCE I UPDATED THIS STORY.. There might be s few changes in my writing style, I've been taking some classes for writing. These past months I've been very busy with school and such so Im sorry about that as well, I'm also changed the name of the story to fit the plot a bit better, so if the confused you, sorry about that. Now, lets continue with the story, thank you and enjoy :]].. //
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Where was I..? Everything was black. The smell of fresh blood filled my surroundings, cuts snd tears on my arms. I could feel my own hot steamy blood drip down my arm. I can't believe this had happened.. what even happened? I thought to myself .. looking around for any sight of anyone ..

I tried moving around in the current position i was in, my body ached like hell itself. Thankfully, I don't think anything was broken .. just some major cuts. I tried to look around to see Felix, but he wasn't in sight. Same with the poor children.. i really hope they were ok..

When i got the strength to get up, I got out of the torn up car. Pieces of ripped clothing snd car parts were all around the car. I need to find some sort of evidence and sign to where they have gone too. I got into the back if the car and grabbed a small flashlight that was some how still working, even if the lens were a bit cracked.

I started wondering around, limping a bit. Looking for anything .. any clues .. until i found a small trail of blood that headed into the woods we crashed into. I started to follow it, made sure I wasn't being followed. Who knows what could be in these woods at such late at night. The sounds of leaves and branches breaking under my feet got louder the deeper and deeper i got into the woods.

It was cold. My shirt wasn't badly ripped but definitely had some holes in it causing the cold air to slip through. The leaves rattled in the trees, startling me slightly. I needed to keep calm but it was very difficult at this point. My hands were so shaky, barely holding grip onto the small flashlight.

I heard the faint crying in the distance. I stood still and took a deep breath, not knowing what the crying could be coming from. I didn't want to see what it was .. but my body was forcing me to go. The closer i got to such noises, the louder it got.. it was very foggy outside so it was hard to make out whatever it was.

I finally reached whatever it was .. and it was him. Felix himself. I was so glad to see him .. but where were the children? Where did they go ..? My thoughts filled my head .. Felix had the small rabbit, Rocket, in his hands as his tears flowed down his face onto the doll. There were two small holes in front if him that haven't been filled just yet. My mind was so confused. I didn't think Felix noticed me at first until i finally spoke ..

" Felix..? " I tried to be as gentle as i could when i placed my hand on his shoulder. His whimpers stoped as he made eye contact with me. The alcohol man stood up and wrapped his arms around me. He was covered in blood and his small glasses were shattered.

" Y/N I'm so sorry.. " Felix tried to communicate through his whimpers. I was shaking in complete fear. What in the world was going on? .. Felix hit his face in my torn up shirt as he cried.

Felix got down onto the ground again as he looked down into the two small holes. I sat down besides him and got a glimpse of what wad in them. It was Ed and Molly. Were they alive..? I would have been impossible at this point if they were.

" I was in the process of burying these two .. until you arrived.. " My eye's widened to such words. I knew they didn't make it .. i stared at the helpless souls. Until .. I couldn't believe my eyes. The smallest movement in one of the children. " Felix! You were gonna bury these two!? And they were still alive?! " Without thinking i reached into the small dirt hole and grabbed Ed.

I put my head near his heart for any pulses and I got one. He was alive. I couldn't believe that Felix was about to just, bury these two while they were still alive. It left me broken hearted. I grabbed Molly as well and held her close. They were both alright.

" Their ok..? " Felix questioned as he looked at the children. I shook my head in response. I was pretty pissed off at Felix. " lets go. " I got up with both children in my arms. I gave the flashlight to Felix so he could lead the way back  to the car. But because of how damaged the car was, we couldn't use it.

Our only choice was to call someone. And that someone was Jack. I know it was gonna be hard for Felix to tell him the disaster that just happened but at this point, he needed to start telling the truth. No matter how bad it was and even if it meant loosing a close friend.

I had a small cellphone in the car seat that I could use. I set the children in the back with some blankets I found in the trunk. They didn't have major injuries as well, but they had some bad cuts and bruises. I got into the front seat with Felix, ad I grabbed the small phone.

" Are you ready? " I stared at Felix while getting ready to call Jacks number. It took a while for the alcohol man to respond but he sooner or later did ..

" Yes, Im ready. "

|| MMMM I HAD AN IDEA FOR THIS CRASH.. because there is so many theories that the children were still alive when the crash occurred, i was gonna put those ideas in this.. BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOYED.. ||

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