Chapter 3 || The drunken Man

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(𝑇𝑤: Mention of alcohol/drinking 🍺)

A few hours have past and I was the only one still at work. I wondered why on my first day, i was the one who got the longest shift. It made no sense but at least it payed good. After i got most of the paper work I was assigned to do, I stayed a bit longer clean the place up for Jack and Felix. I looked over at the clock. It was 1:32am. " Its already that late? " I scratched the back of my head as I grabbed my things. " I should really get going. " before I left, I locked up everything.

I got inside the car right as I felt the sudden vibration from my pocket, It was my phone. I grabbed it out of the pocket of my pants. Jack was the caller, so I pucked up the phone and put it next to my ear. " Hello Jack, Sir " I could here a voice in the background of another man. That rather sounded like Felix. " Umm Y/N, we might have a slight problem " Jack sounded a bit, annoyed. Wonder what could be going on. " Um wh- " I was cut off by the sudden sound of shattered glass coming from the other side of the phone then also the yelling of Jack startled me. " Felix?! What was that!? " So I was right, I did here him Felix in the background.

" N-Nothing Jack! ~ " Felix started to laugh, he didn't sound right .. "Y/N are you home? This might be weird to ask because we just met .. but your the only person I can trust and I need your help with Felix. He had a little bit to drink tonight, so hes a little drunk" Jack chuckled. " I am .. Not!!~ " Felix still yelling over him. It was easy to tell he was drunk.

" Well, I was actually just leaving from work and I'm in the car, heading home but I can stop by if you want me to. " I did remember Jack telling me something about Felix having a drinking problem. I guess it was really as bad as he described. " That would help me a lot if you could! " I didnt expect doing anything tonight but if I have to, I will help with Felix. It couldn't be that bad.. right? Just someone who is a little drunk.

"Alright I will be there in a few. " I put my key into the ignition lock cylinder and started the car up. " Aw, thanks Y/N! " I smiled, I was happy that I could help him, it could boost our early friendship as well. " Haha no problem! " " See you soon, bye! " Jack hung up before I could say goodbye. All I needed to do is get to Felix's house as quick as I could. Jack texted me the address as well so I wouldn't get lost and know where I was going of course.

The drive there wasn't long. Today was a bit stress getting to know everyone and know how everything worked. But at least I was able to get a new friend, Brian Stells. I had the radio on as I was driving over, tapping the steering wheel to the beat. Sooner or later I finally reached Felix's house, I stopped the car and got out. I could hear Felix yelling before I was even inside. He was really loud, geez. I knocked on the door and waited for Jack or Felix to open the door. It was a little bit till one of them answered. They both probably didn't hear over the yelling. But finally the door handle started moving and the door flew open, startling me. Felix stood at the door with a bottle of beer in his hand.

" Oh hey, Y/N! ~ " — hic! — Felix let out small hiccups after speaking. Jack moved Felix out of the doorway and placed him onto the couch. " Hey!~ What was that for?! ~ " Felix sat on the couch with his arms crossed. " Just ignore him, and please come in. "  Jack opened the door and let me inside. I walked into the house to see broken pieces of old beer bottles on the floor.

I decided to sit next to Felix on the couch. I knew it probably wasn't the best of ideas .. but it was worth to try. " Hey Felix." I said with a smile on my face as I looked at the alcohol man. Felix scooted closer to me, I blush with embarrassment. The alcohol in his breath was so .. strong. " Hey!~ " — hic! — " Y/N~ " At the moment,  I was basically speechless. I didn't know how to react or nothing. Felix just made eyes contact with me, with the same little grin from this morning. I had to try to act as normal as I possibly could. So, I just continued to smile at him.

Felix and I were still chilling on the couch. Haven't small conversation.. I wasn't paying attention and Felix started to hold my hand. My body didn't react and I let him do it. My eyes widened, what was I doing?! I just met you. This man was drunk so he probably had no clue of what he was really doing. So, I basically ignored him. I looked over at Jack, he was working on something for the restaurant. I couldn't exactly see what it was, but I let him do his thing. Not much later Jack got a little tired and he wanted to go home. " Hey, I'm getting a little tired, I have my kids and wife at home. So I think ima head home now. Y/N do you mind looking after Felix for me? You've been a great help today .. " I chuckled and looked at Felix who was laying down on the couch, completely away in his own world. " Yeah sure! I don't mind! " Jack sighed with relief as he headed towards the front door. " Thank you so much, Y/N " Jack opened the door and waved at Felix and I before he left.

Now it was just Felix and I. What was I gonna do now? Being with him was .. a but awkward but I didn't mind it too much. I was a little tired myself  after such a long first day, but I knew I had to stay up a little longer with Felix. I looked over at Felix when he got up and headed over to the fridge to grab a nother drink. This man never gets tired of these drinks, doesn't he. " Uhm Felix, I think you have had enough for tonight. " i grabbed the beer bottle from his hand and placed it back in the fridge. All this alcohol would sure make him sick, so i got him a fresh cup of eater instead.

— Hic! — " Whatever. " Attitude much? I laughed a bit. I handed him the cup of water, and thankfully he accepted it. Felix and I sat next to each other again on the same little couch in the living room. He took a small sip of his water, he was still pretty drunk, but thankfully he was drinking water instead of all the alcohol. I turned on the television for him, so he wasn't so bored. But when I looked at him again, he was just .. staring at me with his dark brown eyes. I have to admit, the color of his eyes were beautiful.

We both had a rough day today, I could tell how tired Felix was. Barely jeeping his eyes open. I offered him to rest his head on my shoulder and he took advantage of it. Resting his head on my shoulder as he tried not to fall asleep.

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