Cheater 6

649 23 0

Grace P.O.V

I can feel something in between my legs so wrap my legs around "love are you going cum for me" a deep voice said "no stop" I moan I open my eyes to see Alexander in between my legs eating me out.

"Please stop" I tried to push him away but he grab my hand I can feel his tongue go inside me.

My eye started to roll back "please baby don't stop" I said can't believe the words came out of my mouth.

He kept going which drive me crazy and horny "please you went me inside you" he said look up at me "no please don't" I said cry out while he went back to eat me out.


I woke up to a phone ring so I answer "hello my sweet boy" a woman said "hey but who this" I ask trying to get up but Alexander sleep on my stomach.

"Alexander's mom who this," the lady said "umm Grace Alexander sleep right now," I said playing with Alexander's hair while he slept.

"Oh are you the girl he talks about," she said talk about me awww but do feel uneasy about that too.

"Will guess so umm do you need him," I ask as I play with his hair "baby what are you doing on my phone give to me," he said with a sleep vice that makes any girl wet.

I hand him his phone "hello" he said then he kisses my stomach "yeah mom that her not yet yes you can wait" he said in between the kiss me "mmm" he said while looking at me.

"I get to go, mom yeah love too" he hung up his phone places his phone next to mine, and kiss me, and I kiss back.


My body is full of hickeys I hid most of them with my clothes I may breakfast for myself because Alexander left this morning.

He said he had some business and take off but for some reason, I feel like I shouldn't miss him, and let him touch me like last night.

I lock my door and went to my car park lot I grab my stuff then I get out of my car then I locked my car door.

"Hey, girl how are you and Mr. Handsome doing," Diamond asks as we walk out of the parking garage.

"Hello lady how are you guys and future baby daddy," Gwen said greeting us at the door.

"Fine and again don't want kids how my life was when I grow up they won't be on my back burn like I was," I say remembering how my parents care for my Brothers more than me.

I had to learn to have to do things by myself from my first period to my college.

"Hey girl your cry you better fix makeup or your man may kill us," Diamond said I didn't notice I was crying.

"Sorry I didn't notice I was there in a minute take this contract to Lexi," I said handing the contract to Gwen and speeding to the bathroom.

After I use the bathroom head to the meeting room "hello beautiful" John said I rolled my eyes" hello John doesn't have time have met" I said John is one of the juniors here so and is Gwen Superior.

"Okay princess just want to know if you want to go out with me," he asks getting close to me.

"I can't I'm seeing someone and I don't date people from work," I said about to leave when John pull me to him "hurt me," I said while struggling to get him to let go of me.

"I don't like being rejected and who went date ugly ass bitch like you," he said " bitch wow get the fuck hand off her," Alexander said which made John let me go.

"Don't ever put your dirty hands on my girl get it?" he said looking at John in the eyes.

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