Chapter 5- Memories part two

Start from the beginning

"Er -- okay," said Harry.

"Harry you were pretty oblivious believing that" said Ron

"Yeah imagine if that was Malfoy and he told you run but onto the wrong platform" said Fred 

"And you believed him but ended up with a bashed nose" continued George

"Hey what if Voldemort did that! He ran into the wrong wall at platform 9 3/4 and got a bashed nose!" Said Fred

"Oh Fred I think you are right" agreed his twin

"Boys that's not very funny" said Mrs Weasley crossly

He pushed his trolley around and stared at the barrier. It looked very solid.

He started to walk toward it. People jostled him on their way to platforms nine and ten. Harry walked more quickly. He was going to smash right into that barrier and then he'd be in trouble -- leaning forward on his cart, he broke into a heavy run -- the barrier was coming nearer and nearer -- he wouldn't be able to stop -- the cart was out of control -- he was a foot away -- he closed his eyes ready for the crash --

It didn't come... he kept on running... he opened his eyes. A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts' Express, eleven o'clock. Harry looked behind him and saw a wrought-iron archway where the barrier had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it, He had done it.

"Yaay so Harry has made it to hogwarts" exclaimed a very happy James as everyone else clapped.

"Not yet" replied Harry.

Smoke from the engine drifted over the heads of the chattering crowd, while cats of every color wound here and there between their legs. Owls hooted to one another in a disgruntled sort of way over the babble and the scraping of heavy trunks.

End of memory 

"Right next i think I'll show how me and Ron made friends" said Harry

"Oh I remember that and then Hermione came and we practically hated her" replied Ron

Harry put his hand up as Hermione shot both of them death glares "that was you Ron not me" sud Harry innocently

"How about instead of arguing we start the next memory?" Said Tonks 

"Alright alright one sec" said Harry

"Want a hand?" It was one of the red-haired twins he'd followed through the barrier.

"Yes, please," Harry panted.

"Oy, Fred! C'mere and help!"

With the twins' help, Harry's trunk was at last tucked away in a corner of the compartment.

"Thanks," said Harry, pushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes.

"What's that?" said one of the twins suddenly, pointing at Harry's lightning scar.

"Blimey," said the other twin. "Are you -- ?"

"He is," said the first twin. "Aren't you?" he added to Harry.

"What?" said Harry.

"Harry Potter. " chorused the twins.

"Duh" chorused Fred and George

"Did everyone know you Harry?" Asked Lily 

"Err yeah," replied Harry

"Oh, him," said Harry. "I mean, yes, I am. "

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