"I don't blame him. She's fucking delectable right now. But...we need to focus at the task at hand yes? Mason gives us the money, in exchange for her. But what he doesn't know that we'll end up taking both the girl and the money. Who knows, I might have her for my own 'personal' use soon." The figure ended with a sinister laugh.

"Don't let him hear you say that Boss. He won't hesitate to place a big fat bullet between your eyes."

"He won't do shit. We have the upper hand now."

"She's not moving still. Better speed up the process, no?"

Soon enough I hear heavy footsteps rushing towards me, the stench of cigarettes getting becoming heavier each time he stepped closer.

"Hey, princess, wake up, you've been playing sleeping beauty for way too long now. Come on!!!!"

Ahh what the hell?? Might as well 'wake up' before they try something more fucked up.

Slowly, I peeled open one eye, then two, allowing my eyes to adjust to the bright light in the middle of the room.

"Ahh, there she is. The vixen who stole our little boy's heart."

"Ah.....You!!!!!!!! How the fuck could you do this to him? Your own flesh and blood?!!!" I could not believe my eyes. I was speechless. How I did not see this coming, I have no idea.

"Yes, it is I who planned the entire thing. Of course I wouldn't know where you two lovebirds were if it wasn't for your 'oh so precious' driver over here. Isn't that right Mike?"

"Yes sir." And gave him a curt nod.

"....how? How could you do this to us, to Him? He trusted you for fuck's sake!!! What did he promise you that was so much more important than your loyalty to your boss?!?!"

Mike straightened his jacket before answering, "because I needed the money. I wanted more money, and he promised me a much better life than the one I'm living right now. Don't you see Zara? This is part of life. Some people win some, and unfortunately for you, well you know how it ends. No hard feelings." He ended with a shrug.

I had nothing else to say, because of how ridiculous he sounded right now. I fucking laughed, I laughed so hard that I doubled over, tears running down my cheeks. "Now this is interesting. What did he promise you, hmm? A shit ton of money? Well let me tell you something Mike, he won't give you a single penny. After chewing you over, and over again, he'll fucking spit you out and pretend he never knew you."

"Now now Zara, we don't want to say things that will get us in trouble, do we?"

He was calm but anyone could tell that he was about to flip out any second.

"He doesn't care about you, because he doesn't even care about himself. His company is going down the drain, and he has been blacklisted. He lost it all. Cars, houses, friends, employees, you name it, he's lost it all. Now all he has are the clothes on his back. How do you expect such a bastard to save you when he couldn't even save himself??!!?!"

As fast as lighting, I felt his rough hand on my cheek, knocking the air out of me.
Well, that's sure gonna leave a mark.

"You fucking BASTARD!!!! You're a disgrace, a fucktard, a motherfucking useless excuse of a fath-"

I didn't finish my rant, his hands clamping tightly on my neck, blocking my airway. I tried to fight him off, then I remembered my hands were tied.

"Now. Listen. Here. You. Slut. Everything would've went well without you interfering in our issues. Everything would've went the way it was supposed to, before you decides to waltz in our lives."

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