Chapter 6

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William looked down at Evan and said in a stern tone. "Where were you?" Evan replied quickly "I was at the park" William raised an eyebrow "Really? Cause I looked for you there and I didn't see you" "Well guess you didn't look hard enough" Evan froze at what he said to his father.

William then asked in an angry tone "Excuse me?" Evan replied nervously "I just m-ment maybe you missed me when y-" William walked up to him. Evan could smell alcohol on him and his breath "I'm not an idiot Evan don't lie to me!" Evan fell down from fear then tears threatened to come out. "I-I'm not lying really I swear!"

William was up close to Evans face and yelled "Why the hell are you crying!? What are you crying for!? Am I hurting you!?" Evan never did well to his father's yelling, he put his hands over his ears as he was crying even more. William just scoffed.

"Since you want to cry for no reason I'll give you a real reason to cry" He started to take off his belt Evans eyes widened and he screamed. "I ain't gonna get beaten!" He quickly ran over to his lamp and unplugged it and threw it at William. "Fuck you! You old piece of shit!"

William quickly dunked and the lamp hit the wall glass shattering. William looked back at him in surprise then anger. "You little shit!" Evan screamed "Oh fuck!" And ran out his room, down the hallways and stairs. He quickly unlocked the back door and slammed it open, and ran out.

He started to climb his metal fence once he reached the top he slipped and fell on the other side. "Ouch!" He quickly got up and ran as he was running he heard William scream. "Evan get back here! You little bastard!"

After running for a while he made it to the park and sat down on the bench. He takes a deep breath and then let's it out. He shivers because of how cold it was at night. "I'll have to sneak back in later tonight, I refuse to sleep out here... Though he might do something to me if I'm caught" He get up and looks around then he spots a stick and pickes it up. "It's thick enough not to break and light enough to make a hit hurt, this should work"

He waits in the cold until he couldn't take it anymore and started to walk back home. All the lights were off so he quickly made it to his room window and opened it. Once he was in he closed it and looked around to make sure it was safe.

Once everything was okay he slipped into his bed, pulled the covers up and went to sleep.


William had woken up and got ready, as he was in the shower he remembered what he did last night. He sighed "Shit..." he got out and got dressed. Then quickly went to Evans room door and opened it quietly and saw him sleeping in his bed.

He went over and shook him awake "Evan get up it's time to get ready for school" Upon hearing his father's voice Evan quickly got up and got away from him in fear. He started to shake seeing him in fear brought some kind of satisfaction to William.

"I'll meet you downstairs in the kitchen" Then he walked out closing the door, once Evan was done getting ready he walked out and into the kitchen. And seeing his siblings "Hi Mikey...hey Lizzy" "Hey Ev" And as usual no reply from Elizabeth he sat down and plates were sat in front of them then they ate.

Evan was still shaking from what happened last night. Everyone noticed but didn't say anything then they got into the car and headed to school. Evan couldn't even concentrate then mean kids came up to him and grabbed his golden plushy.

"Still carrying this old thing around huh?" Evan tried asking nicely "Give it back! Please" The kid just laughed then he ripped his head from his body. Evan watched as some of the cotton fell out onto the floor. He couldn't even remember what happened next, it was like a switch was flipped. His vision switched from seeing a kid to seeing a nightguards he killed.

He screamed then jumped at him and all he heard was screaming and blood he was punching anywhere he could. While two teachers tried to get Evan off the other kid he was squeezing these kids' necks. Then the kid fell unconscious. He let go and stared as he saw the blood on the kids face and floor then smiled.

He looked at the blood on his hands and moved his hands around and flexed his fingers. *It's been so long since I had gotten to hurt someone like this...this must be how father feels* He stopped smiling after thinking of that and let the teacher take him to the office.


Evan sat there in silence thinking about what happened and what he had done. The teachers have already called his father. *He's probably just gonna either beat me or yell at me...* he scoffed *I don't care anymore about what he thinks or what anyone else thinks!*

The door opened and in came William with a blank look and sat next to Evan. "How long is he gonna be suspended for?" "He messed up a kid's face! Then strangled him unconscious! Honestly I think we should expell him...but since he's still in elementary it gonna be just a week"

"Alright, we'll be going now. Come along now Evan" he held his hand out Evan hesitated but took it then they walked out. While his father was driving "I don't have time to pick up your older siblings later so we're getting them now"

Once they got to the school William went in and got them. Everyone got into the car then Michael spoke "First fight huh? How'd it go? Did you win?" Evan replied with no emotions in his voice. "Yeah I kept hitting him in his face then I choked him till he passed out...there was blood all over him, the floor and my hands"

Evan turned and showed him his hands with dried blood. Michael was in shock, William just had a blank face. Elizabeth looked at him in disgust. Once they got home Evan walked to the bathroom and got into the shower to wash off the blood.

*Maybe it would be better for me and other people if I just ran away...I could bring mom with me too. If I remember correctly father should have some illusion disks in his basement* Everyone was in their rooms so it was easy to get there without getting questioned. He opened the door and started looking for one illusion disk for his mom.

He opened up one drawer and saw a small disk. *Yes! This should do* He walked out of his father's basement and towards his fathers room. Looking for the money his father had stashed, found it then ran back to his room. And started packing things he needed once he was done he walked out the house.

He looked back towards the house and gave a small smile *Don't worry guys I'll keep my promise to help you guys. But I can't stay where I'm not wanted. I can't handle it anymore...not again* Then walked off towards where his mom was.

Author notes:
Don't worry things will get better for them😊...but ima need time to think of a way for them...

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