Chapter 2- edited

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3rd Person p.o.v

  Right when dinner was finished being made William walked through the door. Clara yelled "Welcome home dear!" and Elizabeth ran up to him and hugged him. Michael didn't get up but just said "Welcome home" William then turned to Evan and smiled with arms open and said "Want to try walking to me today?"

  Evan, liking his father this way, decided to try and walk towards him. He used the couch he was placed next to, to stand up. And wobbled over to him. Michael and Elizabeth were both cheering him on. Clara walked in to see what was going on then started cheering along. Then Evan finally made it to William.

    He lifted Evan up and spun him around "Good job!" Evan just smiled and giggled at him and turned to look at his mother and siblings. *I hope we can all stay happy this time* They all then sat at the dinner table eating, all talking to each other about their day. 

  Clara then spoke up in a happy voice "Oh Evan just loves you guys! He was sad all day until you guys came back home" Elizabeth looked at Evan with a smile and pinched the side of his cheek "Aww you missed me that much! I must be your favorite!"

  Michael scoffed "As if!" Then turned to Evan "I'm your favorite older sibling huh?" Evan, not wanting to hurt his siblings' feelings, turned to their mother and said "Mama!" The siblings had a look of defeat while the parents just laughed. 


  It was now the next day and everyone had left the house except Evan and his mother. They were in the living room. Clara was reading a book to Evan, he leaned next to her and listened. Then the phone rang and she picked up Evan and walked over to the phone and picked it up. "This is Mrs. Afton speaking"

   The principal from Michael's school spoke "Hello Mrs. Afton I'm so sorry to bother you but we need you to come to the school your son had gotten into a fight today" Her eyes widened "Oh my! Yes I'll be there right away!" She hung up the phone and started to dress up Evan and herself in warm clothing.

   They walked out the house Evan had to close his eyes because of how bright the snow was. She put him in his seat and buckled him up then put a blanket over him. She smiled "Alright darling let go pick up Michael now" she got in the driver's side and started the car then drove out the driveway. 

   Music was playing on the radio Evan recognized it and started babbling. Clara heard and looked in her rearview mirror for just for a second. "Oh how cute!" She looked back to the road and saw a doe run onto the street. She swerved in order not to hit it but since it was snowing, and the roads were icy. The car swerved and drove into a metal barrier, went down and slammed into a tree. 

  She slammed her head on the dashboard since the airbags didn't go off. She didn't move even as Evan was screaming his lungs out to her "Mama! Mama!" He started to cough because of how cold it was getting. He saw that the front windows were broken glass everywhere. 

  *This wasn't supposed to happen! I was supposed to save you!...I'm sorry* Still crying and screaming out he passed out from how cold it was getting and the screaming.


   Meanwhile Michael and the other adults were still waiting for her to come. "Your mother's not here so we'll just have to call your father instead" Michael just rolled his eyes "Whatever" But now he was nervous wondering where his mother was. They called and explained to William what had happened. 

   William drove down to the school and picked up Michael and started their way back home. "Getting into fights really Michael!? Your mother and I don't need to be dealing with this kind of stuff right now a- What the hell?" Michael looked over and saw a car slammed into a tree. 

  A car that looked similar to his mothers dread started to pool in, William pulled over and got out.  They both got out and ran over to the car Willaim saw Clara out cold with broken glass and blood on her. He quickly went to his car and pulled out a brick phone and called 911. 

   Michael, who had seen his mother, then quickly went to check for Evan and found him not moving in his seat. He looked so cold and blue with tear streaks on his face. He hurriedly grabbed him and wrapped the blanket that was over him and ran back to his father's car. 

   William, now getting off the phone with the people hung off then looked over at his oldest son. Holding his youngest and seeing what state he was in quickly took him and held him close. Trying to stay calm but couldn't he had tears streaming down his face and he was shaking. William kept repeating almost shouting "Oh god Evan please be alive"

   Michael took off his jacket and gave it to his father for Evan. He took it and wrapped it around Evan then they sat there in silence. After a while they heard the ambulances sirens, Willaim quickly got out with Evan and went towards them. Michael put both hands on the sides of his face and started to cry *It's all my fault. If I hadn't gotten into that fight none of this would have happened!*

  Then after the ambulance took both of them William walked back to his car and drove after them. Not one of them said a word even when they got to the hospital. Then William thought in anger *Shit I'll have to call Henry to pick Elizabeth up…and Michael I can't stand looking at him right now*

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