15 | The Other End

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The wreckage around her mirrored the turmoil within Ada's heart

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The wreckage around her mirrored the turmoil within Ada's heart. The once serene living room, now a canvas of chaos, left her feeling exposed and vulnerable. Shattered pieces of the coffee table lay scattered, like fragments of her composure.

Seated in the midst of the disarray, Ada couldn't hold back the tears that welled in her eyes. Her head hung low, caught in a storm of emotions - perplexity, terror, guilt. The recent events had unfolded like a nightmare, leaving her grappling with the aftermath.

The intruder, claiming to be a protector, had brought more destruction than solace. Ada's sanctuary had been invaded, and the violation of her personal space left her unnerved. The very idea of someone barging into her haven sent a genuine fear coursing through her veins.

Her thoughts spiralled into a whirlwind of confusion. Her brother, Auden, taken by a demon, and now this unexpected visitor claiming to be a saviour. Ada's instincts screamed at her, warning against trust. Demons were cunning, manipulative beings, and her past experiences had taught her not to take anything at face value.

Auden, her own brother, had unwittingly become a pawn in a perilous game. He had lured her, perhaps unintentionally, into a deadly trap. The memory of teetering on the edge of death, both she and Auden facing the abyss, lingered vividly in her mind. The recent night's harrowing experience loomed over her, a haunting reminder of the precariousness of their existence.

Despite the betrayal, despite the nearness of their shared demise, a resilient flame of determination burned within her. Ada refused to surrender Auden to the clutches of darkness. She would not abandon him even if it meant she would do that one thing she held herself from committing in the name of the purity and truthfulness of her feelings. The bond of blood propelled her beyond the realms of bitterness.

Desperate for some form of guidance, that's when she remembered the mirror locket the Romersai had handed when she left the Luna Sanctum seven years back. She knew she had to find a way to rescue Auden from the clutches of Gagagore. And she could not do it alone. The only people who would genuinely care about Auden's well-being were the Romersai. They wouldn't care about her, but if it's for Auden's safety, it would also be their priority. Again.

As desperation tightened its grip on Ada's heart, she stumbled back into her bedroom, an uncontrollable urgency propelling her forward. Her hands, trembling and determined, darted from one overturned item to another.The room became a maze of scattered memories, a disorienting labyrinth where every misplaced item mirrored the tumult in her heart.

Her clothes, caught in the whirlwind of her frantic movements, fluttered like distress signals. Tears mingled with the dust in the air, leaving glistening trails on her cheeks; the room bore witness to her struggle.

The once-tranquil space now mirrored the chaos that gripped her soul. The curtain, stirred by the insistent wind, billowed and twirled, sent loose papers and garments swirling around her like echoes of the chaos within. Doubt lingered at the edges of her consciousness. Her fingers, now stained with ink and marked by the chaos, moved with a desperate precision.

A QUEST OF DEATH : Shadows Never Lie (undergoing MACRO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now