Chapter 2: Passion

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Same day same routine. I woke up hearing my alarm rang so loud.

"Ugh- I wish it was Friday." I was so lazy to stand up that I rolled my body to the ground.

I crawl to stand and rubbed my eyes. I yawn in front of my window as I saw bunch of schoolmate's bringing some canvas.

"Canvas? Oh- CANVAS!" I forgot that I was a member of art club and today is art day.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday is our 'no club day' while Tuesday and Thursday is our 'art day' which means, that today is art day. Tuesday.

"No- no- no- where did I put my canvas!" I was nervous cause I literally forgot that it's arts day. "I should buy on my way school, but it's two blocks away from school." I can't fail this.

I rushed to the bathroom before my brother could even,  wore my uniform then grabbed my bag. Finally, I rashly ran to the stairs and grabbed a piece of bread.

"Cya mom! I need to hurry and buy something! Love yah!" I ran holding my shoes on my right hand while eating my bread on the left.

Gotta get hurry. "EXCUSE ME!" People made way as I shout to make way for me. "Sorry! I just need to make it on time!"

I arrived patting at the store then rashly purchase the canvas. "Thank you sir!" I thanked the owner as I ran again to school.

"I only got 10 minutes left until school gate's close, gotta get hurry." Speed running, breath panting.

I crossed the street, running towards the gate and luckily! Once again! I made it.

"I never gets out of luck." As I walk towards our room, I saw Yangjin looking at me.

"Maechi! Goodness!" My bestfriend scolded me. "Why are you so wet? Did you forgot to buy your project again?" Her arm crossed. "Jeez- you know me to well" we both look at each other then burst out laughing.

"That's why I always bring extra shirt" Yangjin search her bag then gave me her extra shirt.

"Your secretly my hero Yangjin." I hug her but she pushed me away. "Go change first Maechi your so wet." I smiled and went to the bathroom.

"Passion, what is you passion?" Our English teacher asked. I suddenly looked at the window then think of it for a sec.

Passion? What is really my passion? I love arts but I can't really decide my future. My parents always told me being an artist makes you go nothing. That it will only lead me to failing.

"Ms. Sim? May I know you passion?" The teacher suddenly called my name as I gripped my skirt then stood up nervously. "Pardon me?" My nervous self couldn't stop looking at the ground.

"Yes you dear." My teacher suddenly smiled sweetly making the uncomfortable feeling melt away. "I- I- I really want to be the best artist on the world." I shyly smiled tucking my hair behind my ears.

I look around until I reached at the back of my seat, I saw Heeseung listening to me. He wasn't  wearing his mask today. I couldn't stop my eyes staring at him like I was on a spell.

My mind was blank as I still had my eyes on him. He suddenly looked at the teacher loosing our eye contact.

"I will give you an assignment. An assignment to write what is your passion." The teacher passed a piece of paper. I fold and put it inside my bag.

"Ugh- why do we have to walk 3 floors to reach our art room." I claimed. "Stop reclaiming you lazy monkey." Yangjing scolded me while pushing me forward on the stairs.

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