Chapter One: 6013

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"Well, it's time. Time I introduce myself. Hello world. I am known as Patrick de la Costa, but you can call me Pat. I have three sisters, and you could say we are quadruplets. Quadruplets that want to become scientists. Let's talk about my first sister.

Sabine de la Costa. Sometimes, but very rarely, I call her "Seb", but that's irr no elevant. She strives to be a chemist, but likes to work in cold environments, as she is a Glaceon - should have been the first thing I mentioned.

Next, Emily the Leafeon. A.k.a. the "biologist". She loves exploring the environment around her, and would hope to become a botanist, and/or a environmental scientist.

Lastly, my favorite sibling, best for last. Mia. Despite still being an Eevee at this age, she has a lot of potential, and she has shown some of it in the family. I still wonder what Eeveelution could she be, but she hasn't told us, so we let her stay as an Eevee. But I assure you, she is actually more mature than you think, like she knows how to control herself. Enough of all that, let's get into the real reason why I am recording.

It was four years ago. When my personality split. Flashback time. I was just taking a walk in the Malakas National Forest, then suddenly (big pause), two unknowns snuck up on me, and I couldn't make out who they were, or why they wanted to attack me. I was attacked near the portal to the "Other World", and just as I was evading the attacks, someone used a fire attack, something like a Fire Blast. It closed the portal, just as I was trying to escape the scene, and the portal's closure cut me halfway down the middle, my left side and right side being cut. The right side stayed, and I was in so much pain, considering I was just chopped in half. But something weird happened. I regenerated within a minute or two, but my left side was very weak, so I couldn't attack sufficiently enough against the two assassins. I had to buy time to heal. So I did. But something felt off when I tried to use Dark Pulse. Instead of directing it at my attackers, it travelled around my body, healing my left side in an instant.

I didn't know what it was at that time, but I later came to dub it the "Resonada", or "Resonated". I was at the first stage, and a physical attribute was a dark aura surrounding me, but very subtle. Also, my pupils were somewhat black, but it didn't encase the whole eye, instead, it looked like black veins popping out of my eyes. I managed to hold my own in the "Resonada Stage", or "Stage 1". It was devastating. I realized that there is two of me. And that's how I will explore what I look like in the third person. It will be really complicated, so I might need some help from my family as of now, and my friends. You will witness the journey."


"That was a relief." Pat was actually recording a video of himself, and he had stage fright, but he knew how to deal with it.

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