Ella was stoned on her bed, staring at her freshly groomed ceiling. What else did I missed? Her soul forever pondered as she contemplated her takeaways about Theodore's sexual franchise, as what she likes to call it. Maybe it is fair for her, beyond everything. Their sex felt like a premium masterclass, she laughed at that thought. Would it be so bad to want more?

Do I want more? Should I call him?

"Ella—guys, my wings are here!" Kath barked outside her room, Ella's door was half-closed, so the voice managed to reach her ear.

"What wings?" It was Lynn's who's obviously busy with org work.

"I ordered. Girls c'mon." Ella lander her toes on her slipper to meet everyone in the dining room. Two buckets of marinated wings with different flavors were served hot with some sauces beside it. It didn't look obnoxious just like when the first time they were trying order food first few months from moving to uni.

"New store? Or new packaging of that chicken parlor that I hate?" Ella complained while redoing her messy bun before sitting on a chair.

"New store that I discovered," says Kath while tasting some of the excess sauces from the packaging. "Their main branch is in Manhattan, so if this is bop, we're should probably try their dining."

Lynn echoed the same thought as she was placing the bowls with rice. "That sauce coating sounds promising. Good job for ordering, Kath. What's with you today?"

"Stress eating, my man and I had an argument?"

Pairing it with rice it looked even more mouthwatering, Ella insisted with confusion. "You mean Brandon? I thought he was kindest so far—"

"Well, he lost it— well I- uhm... No. It was his fault," her voice was full of guilt as she reckons. It was actually Kath's but she just trying to blame him over simple arguments. Brandon was right about not being available all the time even in planned schedules. She's having a hard time dealing with it because she just missed him so much. Kath decided spill what happened as they dig into the flavored wings.

"Well, we are just hoping that it won't be a breakup. I can't afford to see you cry in the middle of a piled week-long revisions, plus the upcoming acquaintance party." Lynn segued the shit ton of academics that frustrations painted on their faces while chewing carbs. "I am currently working with the graphic backdrops by the way."

Ella reached for the can of coke that she opened minutes ago. "I hate being busy for stuff like that. I heard, marketing, business ad, social studies, and accounting departments are gonna organize the whole thing?" she earned a nod from Lynn.

"What was the theme then?"

"Bohemian, majority wins at the poll last week. I am expecting a lot of material and resource gathering for this on Monday. It's a fucking real work, you guys." Lynn complained even though it's not starting yet .

Ella slyly asks the question, "is everyone going with a date? Is that a rule?" It didn't turn out to be sly when she watched Kath's reaction. It all boiled down to his supposed boyfriend, Theodore.

"Oh God. I seriously forgot that you have a guy to hang out right now. Are you gonna bring your young and English 'lad' to a casual party then? Interesting." Kath teased and faked a British accent at the end, which was terrible that she would rather listen to a fork scratching a ceramic plate.

"Stop. It was harmless question, geez." Ella dipped the chicken to the mayo and prayed to the gods that her friends should stop talking about Theodore, she remembered their recent encounters. No. She cannot afford to drag Theodore again. Ella had been garnering a lot of lies when it comes to using the boyfriend card when it's just a 'sex mate' in the first place. She just hopes for these girls to be quiet enough so that he won't know any of these. Who knows what stunt he would do to participate in the party and to appear as her boyfriend?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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