Torrence the strange animal

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The tension between the strange animal and Roxy are still going. And I am just here confuse and scared what might happen right now.

"Ehhhh?" I let out and finally the two focus their attention to me.

Roxy heave a sigh and keep muttering words that I can't hear.

"Why won't you introduce me to your friend Miss Roxy." The strange animal says it with a grin.

I could see Roxy rolling her in annoyance she gave a big sigh and finally introduced me to this stranger. "This is Fluffer, the new animal in town if you haven't heard. I am not even surprise that you don't know cause your too ignorant to care" Roxy retort back clearly indirectly insulting the poor animal.

But unexpectedly the animal infront of us didn't show any kind of annoyance or embarrassment at all. Which makes me even more curious of their relationship.

"Well nice to meet you Miss Fluffer" the animal greet clearly ignoring Roxy's last sentence. "I am Torrence the Otter" he finally introduce himself to me. "I hope we could be friends too" he said as he extend his hands for a handshake which I gladly took.

I look him up from head to toe finally recognizing what animal he is. An otter that's pretty cool. I never seen one of those no wonder why I didn't recognize it.

"If your done here Torrence would you mind if me and Fluffer continue our discussion." Roxy said as she tries to end this awkward conversation.

"Well it seems like I should go too. See you later Miss Fluffer. I can't wait to meet you again." Torrence said in a cheerful voice before saying goodbye.

That otter was really nice and very polite unlike someone. I am just joking of course Roxy is nice too. I think?

With Torrence gone Roxy finally compose herself. I look at her with a lot of question in mind. She look at me back and I could see that she's a bit hesitant to answer it.

"I just know him through my family. His just an acquaintance and don't even think we're friends cause clearly were not." Roxy answered and clearly denying my suspicions.

Ok, ok I believe you alright Roxy. It's not like I could see you through your lies. Hehehehe

We didn't get to talk much more further as our food finally arrives. Jean and Oliver joined us. As we peacefully eat and just enjoying our food.

The night came in without me not noticing it. We finally have to go home. I stare at the festive for the final time before I went inside the carriage.

Haaaah I heave a sigh. What an exhausting day and lively one at that. I really didn't expect that my arrival in this town would be celebrated like this. I can't wait for my body to lay down on my soft bed.

As I am thinking finally going to sleep. We have arrive at home we got out from the carriage and each of us got to our rooms. Oliver carried me inside and lay me down on my bed. He called Mary and Cassie to prepare me for my night time.

I didn't really notice how Mary and Cassie take care of me as I was feeling a bit sleepy. They finally finish attending me and they lay me down in bed. I finally got to rest! Goodnight world!


I open my eyes with the sun hitting my eyes. I stand up to my bed and open the windows beside my bed. It's been five days since the festival happened I have adjusted a bit to my new like. I could finally speak some simple words like hi or hello. A little improvement but still an improvement nonetheless. Oliver have been busy for a few days. Just yesterday he did some test one me. And maybe tomorrow or before the end of the week or so he could finally identify what I am.

"Fluffer have you waken up yet? Your breakfast is now ready " Mary said while knocking at my door.

"Yeshhhh" I replied back. In which a signal where Mary entered my room prepare me for the day and carry me to the dining room. I am still a bit not used of me to getting taken care of someone. But I can't really complain because I can't do much on my body.

"Morning!" I greeted as I arrive in the dining room

"Your energetic as always even in the early morning aren't you Fluffer." Roxy greeted back. I am quite convinced that she always wake up in such a grumpy mood. I guess she's not a morning person.

Anyway I am quite used to her mean replies. It's not like she mean it anyways. I ignored her harsh remark and continue to smile. I sit up on the chair feeding my mouth with this delicious breakfast that Cassie prepared. Such a wonderful breakfast in such a lovely day.

"We should go and have a picnic at the backyard. The weather is so nice today. It would be shame if we won't enjoy it." Mary said with an enthusiastic voice.

Which I nodded with agreement. I look at Roxy waiting for her approval

"Sure it's not such a bad idea Mary thank you." Roxy agreed.

"It's a plan then we'll if you excuse me I should prepare our food for the picnic" she said as she went to the kitchen.

We ate our breakfast in silence. Clearly not bothering each other. I still haven't seen her talk that much after our meeting with Torrence. She's awfully quiet today. It's making me a bit anxious.

"Hey! You ok?" I ask with my limited words of choice.

She stop munching her food and heave a sigh. "You see there's something bothering me lately" she started.

But as Roxy was about to open up her problem to me Oliver came and disturb it.

"Fluffer and Roxy you two should prepare once your done with your breakfast. Because tonight we're having a dinner with the mayor." Oliver announced which shock me so much.

If I knew in this moment that the dinner would be disastrous as it was I should have come up an excuse just so I won't attend it. Gosh my stupid animal self

To be continued...

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