Chapter Twenty-Eight: Once Is A Coincidence, Twice Is Magic

Start from the beginning

T'challa then looked at Harry. He had a feeling that he knew what was going on with his new friend.

"Harry, you once said that your friends made their choice and you made yours," he said. "Does this have anything to do with how you had said that you and they were not on the best of terms?"

Krinos looked at Harry, Fred, and George. He had been aware of a lot of the things that had been going on with them. He had been to Number 12 when they had been there as well. There was a reason why he had always called them the Annoying Trio. It was because they did not know how to do anything other than be annoying pests.

"You do not have to say anything if you do not want to," Krinos told him.

Harry looked at the two mystic souls. He wanted to tell them and he had been growing really comfortable with them as well. Krinos had been a big help lately and T'challa was such a great guy. Fred and George placed comforting hands on his hands. They knew that he wanted to tell them, so they were helping him gain the needed courage to go through with it.

"Ron and Hermione were my best friends," Harry began. "Ron was actually the first friend that I ever had that was my own age. And I risked my life to help save Hermione's. They were the first friends that I ever had in my life. I had no one growing up. My cousin chased away every single kid at our school with his gang. One boy actually said 'hi' to me once and my cousin beat him up so badly that he never even looked at me again. I thought that Ron and Hermione would be different, but I was wrong."

Fred and George would keep their hands on his in order to make sure that Harry was able to keep going.

"Harry may out on a tough face for the world, but he is still human," Fred said.

"And being human means that he wants people to trust," George says.

"And those three broke his trust," they said together.

"It was more than just breaking it," Harry's eyes watered. "They shattered it. It told them about my home life. I told them what I saw in the Mirror of Erised. I told them the memory that I used to create my Patronus. I told them everything. And yet that did not matter at all to them since they easily threw me away. And it is not even the first time that they have broken my trust or gone behind my back about something."

"Harry..." T'challa could see that it was not easy for him to be saying all of this.

"Don't make him stop," Fred tells the jungle cat mage.

"If you do, he might not have the strength to say any of this again," George said.

"In our first year, I helped my friend Hagrid sneak a dragon out of Hogwarts since he would have been arrested for having it," Harry said. "Myself, Hermione, and Neville were all caught after curfew and we lost 150 points in total. Most of Gryffindor turned on me and were also cold to Neville and Hermione. But I later found out that Hermione was telling everyone that it was all my fault that the points were lost while not taking any blame herself.  And the next year, both of them spread rumors about me being evil after it was revealed that I could talk to snakes."

"Talking to snakes," Krinos raised an eyebrow. "How is that bad?"

"Yeah," T'challa agreed. "Talking to animals is one of the most common powers for an animal mage. Sofia can talk to them because of how she is an animal shapeshifter."

"Tell that to anyone in magical Britain," Fred says. 

"Being a parselmouth is basically an unwritten crime," George said.

"And it does not help that the two most well-known dark wizards in our history are both known parseltongues," Fred added.

"That created a prejudice against them and basically everyone thinks that all parseltongues are evil," George says.

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