Jareth was nowhere in sight, but to make sure, I kept low and watched the corridor for a moment. When there were no signs of life I began to swim back but something stopped me. My body was yanked underwater. I reached to my ankles in a panic and found hands made out of seaweed. I opened my mouth in a scream as they pulled me deeper into the darkness of the lake. I thrashed all around taking in water and hitting at the seaweed. Soon the hands made of seaweed wrapped around my arms as well and I was pulled twice as hard. The hands jerked by limbs down. I was in an arc with my face looking towards the surface. The seaweed hands pulled my arms and legs together behind my back. I fought even harder and more hands grabbed my dress. My vision began to dark and my fight started dwindling.

With seconds before I would pass out I thought of my crystal necklace and put all will power into a focus. Suddenly light exploded from my necklace and all around me illuminating everything in the lake. Some of the hands retreated into the depths but others held firm and continued pulling me. I felt a tug and then another. The light grew brighter as I became desperate. The hands from my arms suddenly released and I turned around. Something in the water caught my attention but my dress floated lazily obscuring everything. I felt my head start to droop and with one final attempt I began to sink. Something wrapped around my torso and pulled but my head hurt so bad and everything spun so fast I couldn't tell what was up or down. Everything went dark.


Pressure, I could feel pressure. I was feeling something, I wasn't dead. It felt like I was fighting to open my own eyes but they wouldn't budge. More pressure. What was happening? More pressure. The need to scream enhanced when I couldn't move anything. Why did I feel pressure? Slowly I began to feel my fingers and toes. More pressure.

As if I were being loaded into a sling shot, I felt my body sink down then explode upwards. My eyes shot open and my entire torso lifted from the ground as water spilled from my throat and down my lips. I choked and choked until it was all out then fell back to the ground in exhaustion. My green eyes met the face of two different color eyes. Jareth was bent over mine with his hands over my ribs. His soaked hair dripped beside me. "Never know when to stop running do you?" He asked. My breathing, still quick, slowed and I shoved him way.

I sat up with a major headache and put my hand to my head. As I turned to get up my eyes moved across the ground to another set of feet. I cringed as I looked up the body to Sina and Hedian's faces. Their expressions were tight with horror. Sina fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around my shoulders and Hedian put a hand on my head and ruffled my hair as he helped Jareth up. Sina pulled back and looked into my eyes. "What were you thinking?" She asked before pulling me to her again. I watched Jareth pull away from Hedian but then nod to him about something. They both walked away in conversation about something. I watched their backs as Sina held me to her.

"Sarah, you can't just dive into the lake with a full dress on" She laughed as she pulled away. "I was running from something" I said trying to hold my smile back. Sina was soaked from hugging me. "Who were you running from?" She asked concerned. "I don't know. I felt like I was in danger" I muttered. "Well my mother has called us to the throne room. We will go to her now and discuss the rest later over hot tea" I nodded and she helped me stand.

We walked down the corridor to a set of two large glass doors that extended three stories up. White stone was built in around the door making the glass seem even more beautiful and added to the strength of the building. The doors were opened by Warriors. Their muscles bulged as they pushed the heavy door open. I had to walk carefully for the fear of slipping on the smooth stone beneath me feet. I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around a petite warrior handed me a robe. I nodded my head in thanks as I pulled the robe around my shoulders and instantly felt its warmth. I wrapped my arms around my body and Sina smiled to me. "It is naturally warm. I love those robes, they are wonderful"

We turned our attention to the room ahead of us when the doors opened and I kept my head down. Everyone entered the throne room and bowed before the High King and Queen. Desben stood by the king. The only people in the room besides the royal family and me were Desben, Palkon and Tiplin, and another Warrior, who was among the group in the dark woods that helped us reach the castle.

I kept my eyes low as they addressed the group. "We are aware of strange events happening in the past couple of days. The war is approaching swiftly and our armies are steadily preparing for their time on the battlefield. Kilton is gaining power by the hour not only over our lands but Sarah's actions. He has learned how to control her through his bind on her. Because of his rapid advancement on her, the Queen and I, despite our first intentions, have decided to train Sarah for her protection along with everyone else's. She will be given an instructor for overcoming this hold Kilton has on her. Tomorrow, we prepare for war. Rest well today, because after tonight will be the most trying days of your time" The High King stood tall and strong as he talked.

My cheeks heated when I figured out that the King must've known what happened last night. "Sarah, I have placed you under the teaching of my eldest son Jareth, because he knows Kilton more than any of us. He has also dealt with his control over you and managed to end it. You will train first thing tomorrow. You are all dismissed until further notice" He finished. We bowed slightly once more before turning and leaving.

I walked with Sina to her room and there were two metal chairs around a small table by her window. "Take this" She said handing me a lavender silk nightgown. I went behind her changing screen and stripped off my still wet blue dress and put on the nightgown in its place. When I was finished, Sina handed me another warm robe and motioned for me to sit on one of the metal chairs. I stepped carefully over the vines on her floor that jutted out from under her bed in every direction. As I sat down, Sina had a white teapot with rose designs in her hands. She poured tea into two cups and sat down across from me handing me a cup as she sat.

"What will it be like?" I asked taking a hesitant sip of the delicious tea. "The war? I suppose this war will be difficult. With the mass scale of the armies alone I expect many casualties. I have not yet uncovered much about what is happening, but tomorrow we will be called into the war room. Sarah, the wars in the Underground are far graver than the ones Aboveground. The hostility of the creatures turned dark outranks any being Aboveground. If we prevail in the end, it will be a victory that will go down in history" I took another sip of my tea in slight fear. When we were finished, Sina led me to her door and opened it. "Sleep well Sarah. As for the coming days, you're going to need it" She said with more of a grimace than a smile.

Hey, I've been so busy lately with so much. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I was asked outside of wattpad to answer a question and I thought it was an interesting idea. If you have any questions about the writing or anything, comment or come to me and I'll address it in the next chapter! :)


(How do you get your ideas?)

I get my ideas from experiences in my life. I also get them from constant daydreaming, It's such a bad habit for me. I'd tell you about specific scenes, but that's a different question!


(Which is your favorite creature?)

I like them all, but if I had to choose a favorite... probably the elves in Sina's kingdom!

Labyrinth: Saving the Fallen CityWhere stories live. Discover now