42 - Water and Whiskey

Start from the beginning


"-t I feel like we need more room. Plus now we have Alpine too. And god a yard would be great. Our own place instead of an apartment with other people around an-"


"-d what if we have more kids in the future? Then we'd already have more space. Chris and I were talking a lot about it and moving while you're still pregnant makes the most sense inst-"

"Sebastian." Rylee said, putting her hands on Sebastian's face, turning him to look at her.
"Yes. We should absolutely get a house."

"I just wor- oh. Yeah?"

"God, of course, yes." Rylee said, dropping her hands from his face, placing them on his thigh, "there is nothing more that I want than to get a house with you...and baby of course."

Sebastian leaned over to kiss Rylee, love seeping through every second of it. When he pulled away, he leaned over and gave Rylee's bump a kiss as well, reaching over to place his hand on it, rubbing his thumb gently.

"This years been kind of crazy, huh? Getting married. Getting pregnant. Going to be looking for a house. Filing our taxes is going to be wild this year." Rylee joked, making Sebastian crack up.


There was a quick knock on the door and then the sound of it opening as Chris and Alexa came over around 6:00.

"Oh, my god you both are saints," Rylee sighed as she watched them walk in carrying bags full of Chinese food.

"Hi to you too," Chris laughed as he walked through and set the bags on the bar in the kitchen.

"How's it going?" Sebastian asked them both.

"Good good, Alexa had mentioned baby was craving Chinese so," Chris shrugged as he pulled containers out of the bags.

"Good god. Seriously though. Oh! Hold on!" Rylee said as she stood up slowly from the couch and then disappeared upstairs.

About a minute later, she came back down, carrying Alpine, who looked like she had just been woken up.

"Oh my goddd!" Alexa squealed as she stuck out her hands to take Alpine. "She's so sweet!"

"She really is," Sebastian chimed in as he helped finish unpacking the food.

Sebastian and Chris made up plates for themselves, Rylee, and Alexa, and took them to the table.

Sebastian went back and grabbed Rylee a water and the other two beers.

Once Alexa was done cooing over Alpine, she set her down in the living room and walked with Rylee over to where the boys were now sitting down to eat.

"Thanks again for grabbing dinner," Rylee mentioned.

"No problem," Chris replied.

"How've you been by the way?" Rylee asked as she sat down diagonal from him at the table.

"Really good. PT's been good. They say I'll be done early actually."

"That's great!" Rylee replied with a wide smile.

"How've you been? Lex told me about that asshole the other day.."

"I'm good now. It was a rough day or so after...but I'm good," Rylee smiled, but not as widely as before, just barely meeting her eyes.

To distract from the thought of that conversation, Rylee spoke again, "Oh, not like you two don't already know, but we're officially doing our wedding reception on Saturday, February 25th. And we're going to tell everyone about baby then too. Double celebration and all that."

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