Nui: Face it, Ryuko. You'll never reach Y/N.

Ryuko: *smirks* Wanna bet?

Ryuko then fishes out a small iron bar, which then morphed into the Tesla Hammer.

Nui: Oooh. New toy?

Ryuko replies by slamming the hammer onto the ground, sending a barrage of electrical jolts towards the COVERS. Each of the COVERS simply vanished while dropping any humans they held captive within them.

Nui: O_O What the...

Ryuko: Quite a shocker, huh?


While Ryuko squared off with Nui, Satsuki and her team had made it inside though the hallways of Honnouji Academy. They searched various rooms to try and find Y/N.

Sanageyama: He's not in the Science Lab.

Jakuzure: He's not in the band room either.

Tsumugu: He's not even in the gym.

Gamagoori: Dammit. Where could Ragyo have Y/N imprisoned?

Satsuki: Search everywhere. Leave no stone unturned.


As Satsuki and her team searched or Y/N, Ryuko was fighting Nui with her scissor blade in one hand, and the tesla hammer in the other.

Nui: You must feel pretty lonely, huh?

Ryuko: What are you talking about?

Nui: You believed you were human, but inside you are the very same Life Fibers you considered your enemy. So just ask yourself. Who are your allies, and who are your enemies? Is there any human who and understand you?

Ryuko: As a matter of fact, there is.

Nui: Huh?

Ryuko: Being human is not about what you are, but who you are. I've got friends and family who care for me, and I care for them too.

Nui: But...

Ragyo: You're mind games aren't gonna work on me, Harime! I'm here to get Y/N, and nothing is gonna change my mind!

Ragyo: My~ Such determination.

A bright light shinned from the top o Honnouji Academy, revealing Ragyo herself.

Ryuko: Look who finally decided to show up.

Ragyo slowly began to make her way down the tower's stairs towards the school yard, a wicked smile on her face.

Ragyo: You never cease to amaze me. Your skillset is phenomenal.

Ryuko: I'm not here to hear your shit, I'm here to get Y/N! Now where is he?

Ragyo: Oh? Straight to the point, I see. Very well.

Ragyo then snaps her fingers, causing a COVERS to approach besides Ragyo. In its hand, it held Y/N tied to a chain. But Y/N was in pretty rough shape. He had cuts, bruises, whelps, he was a bloody mess. Ryuko was wide eyed upon seeing Y/N's mangled up condition.

Ryuko: Y... Y/N!

Y/N did not respond, meaning he was either dead or unconscious. Ryuko was really hoping that it was the latter. Ryuko turned her attention to Ragyo, her anger rising to dangerous levels, glaring with so much venom it could kill at least ten-thousand people.

The Devil went down to Honnouji Academy: OP! M!Reader x Kill La KillWhere stories live. Discover now