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The two demons shook in fear at the sight of the woman, who they say is Maleficent, as Hades took his time and helped change the rag.Cleanse and rise with cold water before placing it on her forehead once in a while.

It was weird to see random people popping out of the blue in your home, this was starting to become rather sketchy...

Yawning you pat Hades on the back, soft yet noticeable "I'm tired.Let me know when she wakes up." the god and his minions watch your form disappear, look at each other, then chose to let it slide.

They were done with everything so whatever happens, just fucking happens.

Waltzing into your room you belly flop on your bed.All the tension slowly going away once your off your feet, feeling more calmer and relaxed as the covers engulfed you in its warm embrace.Thats when you look at the clock.

"10:46? Feels like 7.." tossing yourself deeper in the covers, soon let out a sigh of complete satisfaction "..Oh well, night everyone-."




Eyes still open you flop over just to face the window.The full moon was out, illumination it's beautiful light, yet the sound?Nothing was there.

So you closed your eyes once again, most likely to fade and arrive in dream land.



Bouncing upwards you look at your window, expecting no one like the first time, but find a crow like bird tapping away on your bedroom window.

Confuse you started at it "Uh...sup?" the crow seems to reply back by tapping aggressively at the window glass, as if threatening to shatter it of not invited inside.

And you did just that, let the crow inside.

The crow simply flew around.Taking in the new area as if every detail counts, soon it decided to land....right on top of your head.

"Your rather friendly." It choos and whistles as you pet the crow, being careful to not upset it at all "Wanna be friends Mr.Crow?" immediately it goes puffy and choos more, so that must be a yes.

So by that you close the window, grab your blankets and toss them aside, and gently place that crow down before laying down under the covers yourself.The crow seemed to understand the assignment so it waddles over, head tilts from one side to another, then plops and snuggles itself next to your neck, it's head and neck pisitioned over your owm shoulder and some of your neck.Most crows don't do things like this but scratch that off your bucket list I guess.

Then let that you two were out, sleeping and enjoying each others warmth and company.

°•☆•°Next morning°•☆•°

The crow woke you up earlier then you like but that's fine.A new day so maybe it may be good or, well, worse if it so choose.

Huffing you frown at the white fluff outside "Not fair." but you did what must be done, your chores put first before ones self.

The crow, once again finds itself on your head, caws and chirps as you find the right clothes for the weather outside.You didn't have much cloth options but it will have to do.Louder caws came from the crow as it flew up, for a few seconds, and come plops itself back down on your beanie covered head.It leaning over just to meet eye-to-eye with you only upside down.

Smiling you pet the crows beak "Pretty bird." as it choos you decide to open the window, soon as it saw that it flew off, loud caws all around.

Now it was time to work..

Sliding on the snow boots and mits you open the door...only to bump into a towering figure, staff in hand.

"So your the little beast Hades and his minions spoke of--?"

You didn't let her continue so you went ahead and cut her off by passing her up.You had to get things down or else it won't be done till next morning of.Maleficent seemed to not expect that of all things, for she was going to persuade or possibly cast a spell for her to stay, but it may have to be asked in another way.So she followed right after you.

Some noises were happening in the kitchen, the smell amazingly made you drool, just to find Hades in there.Cooking away.

"Hey!(Y/N) is awake!" Pain points out only for Panic to go ahead and drag you to the nearest window, excited and all jumpy "I-It snowed last n-n-night!"

"I think she knows that guys, she is clearly dressed up for it." Hades bluntly spoke, soon had a plate set on the table "Food is ready guys!Hey squirt, what cha want to drink?"

Pain and Painic was the first to make it there, filling their plates to the brim, not long sat down at the table "(F/D)."

"Heres ya drink!Andddd.." snapping his fingers your plate was full of food, amazed and in awe with it all, Hades pats your head "Enjoy kiddo!" before heading to get his own.

Savory the food was so far the best part.Hades knows how to cook and the flavor within those items.He cooked some bacon, eggs, raisin toast smeared with cinnamon butter, and cheesy hashbrowns with some jalapenos just to give it 'pop' as he so says.Everything there was good enough to the moment your food is gone and your once again full.

Hades was chomping down on his very crispy bacon, minding his own business, just to stop as the brooding fae stares blankly at you.

"What did it cost you."

Hades almost chokes, not expecting her to speak to him out of the blue, but gives her a shrug "Cost?Nah, this one is cost none free of charge."

Maleficent didn't really expect that was the truth "You cooked food for the beast."

"And that is my choice Mal.Listen, I understand your trust issues are from some sort of messed up trauma but this kid?They are nothing like I seen, give this one a chance."

Malfiecent only grimaced at the blue skinned god "Trust is not my point here.This beast is the same as their kin, it will stay that way till I see the proof to your words Hades."

Putting the plate away you grab your scarf "I'm outside if you need me!" soon down the stairs and out the door.

Walking around was not a big problem.It was rather easy to move to your pleasure but the cold?That is one of the many reasons you dislike snow on chore days.Finding your particular spot you began to work.

...Just to be stopped by the crow making itself at home on top of your head...

Confused you look up at the bird, axe lowered slightly, soon poking the crow on its side "Mr.Crow please get off I'm busy." just to result in it to ignore you, snuggles into your bean covered head.

So you chose to do a different task.

Walk the premise.

Letting the axe flop onto it's side you go on ahead and got a sledge, so if you find some wood worth using, soon beginning your journey.

"See?Even your snarky ass crow likes her!" Hades chimes, smirking for the win.

Maleficent however didn't say much.It just made her wonder a bit more about the little beast, especially if Diablo so highly acts that way.No trust but it made her intrigued.

But that was just two hours ago.

This time, as much as you hate to say it, found another unconscious body.Floating and chillen in the creek under the bridge.And not only that, beside the body, was a hawk squawking and pecking the unconscious one in the creek.Cold and wet to the point it can't even fly.

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