It's Cool, Tony

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Mickey had gotten Lip pretty good, His lip, nose, and eyebrow area were bloody, as Lillian helped walk Lip home.  Officer Tony was talking to Fiona when the two arrived at the Gallagher house. Tony looked over at the teens. 

"Hey, Lip, there a body on the other end of that?" Tony asked sarcastically.

"No, It's cool, Tony." Lip looked over at the two adults having a conversation. 

"Jesus, what the hell Lip?" Fiona's complete attention turned towards her younger brother as she helped Lillian get Lip into the house.

"Mickey Milkovich and two of the three blind mice," Lillian added in, earning an elbow to the ribs, making her groan slightly. 


Lillian sat on Lip's bed cleaning his cuts from the fight when Ian walked in. 

"Sorry your face got busted up." Ian apologized to his brother. Lillian touched a sore spot, making Lip wince at the contact between the rag and his cut. 

"It's okay." 

"I didn't do anything to Mandy." 

"We know that Ian, but her brothers think you did for some reason." Lillian stopped what she was doing for a quick moment to look at the red-headed boy that was practically pacing in between beds. 

"I mean, she tried to rape me, and I pushed her off, and now she's mad." 

"Ian," Lillian said trying to get the boy to calm his nerves. 

"You're probably the first guy in her life, who hasn't tried to jump her." Lip shrugged as he went to grab a joint that was behind Lillian's back on the side table, their faces getting close, before he retreats to his original spot, placing the joint in between his lip and lighting it, followed by taking a drag, then passing it over to Ian, that accepted the joint, and doing the same, passing it back over to Lip. 

"She started screaming and crying." Ian looked over to Lip and Lillian. Lip took a big drag from the joint and was blowing the smoke into Lillian's mouth. Lillian blew o's out. 

"Maybe you should throw it in her, you know?" Lip joked light-heartedly. 

"She'll call off her brothers." Lillian shrugged, taking the joint from the boy in front of her, taking a hit, holding it in for a second, before letting the smoke out. 

"Yeah. Yeah, and maybe, uh' you should throw it in Kash, right?" Ian sarcastically joked, making Lillian giggle.

"Why, is he asking about me?" 

"Yeah. He's trying to go through all the Gallagher brothers." Ian joked, then the room became serious. 

"Ian, you know eventually you're gonna have to take the beatdown for this, right?" Lillian asked, she received a nod from Ian. 

Ian left the room leaving only Lip and Lillian, Lillian moved her focus back on to cleaning lips face again in between passes of the joint. 

"Tell me about yourself." Lip joked. Truthfully he knew enough to pass off as a decent friend, but he was genuinely curious. 

"I don't talk about myself." Lillian wasn't lying about that, really only a few people knew about why she was here and what got her to this point. 

"Please Lills, for me, your favorite Gallagher." Lip smiled, then took a hit from the joint, before passing it over. 

"Depends on what you wanna know," Lillian asked moving her head back to look at Lip's face from a different angle. 

"What are you comfortable talking about?"

"Uhhh, my parents?" Lillian loved talking about her parents. 

"Alright, spill."

"My mom was a beautiful woman, both inside and out. She had gorgeous auburn colored hair, that was always taken care of, well until she wasn't able to keep up with it. When I was 7 she was diagnosed with stage three lung cancer, and both my father and she decided to do chemo, but the radiation from the machines made her hair fall out, so we ended up shaving her head one night after we left a party," Lillian chuckled to herself, reliving that memory in her head. "My mom also had these almond-shaped eyes that were the prettiest light brown in the world. and when the light hit them, you could see bits of green and gold in them. She was 32 when she passed, before she did, she took me to the store and let me pick out anything that 9 year old me wanted, and what do you know I picked up a somewhat expensive journal, that journal has probably been my most prized possession ever since. Honestly, she would have loved you Lip." Lillian didn't even realize she was in tears until she felt a drop of water fall onto her hand. 

"My dad was an honest man who loved and valued his kids and his wife. But he also had anger issues combined with a drinking problem but tried to separate them as much as possible. So my mother's passing took a major toll on him, he began to physically hate himself, he would drink until he blacked out, like Frank bad, blacked out, he never came home with anger issues with us kids," Lillian wiped her eyes with the sweatshirt sleeve she had on. "My grandmother had just picked me up from school and we were driving back to the house. My grandmother was the one that found him first, he had hung himself from the stairs. My poor grandmother turned me around so fast and put me in the car, we sat in the car until the police came. I never saw my father that day and didn't see him until his funeral, either a few days after or a week after. That man meant so much to me. You two would have gotten along." She looked at Lip's shocked expression. 

"My life went to shit after that." Lillian shrugged.     

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