Chapter Seven || Forgiveness and Crime(?)

Start from the beginning

Wilbur himself settled for a more relaxed look that day, a simple black sweater with a colourful logo and a white collared shirt underneath. He wore simple grey jeans and black converse.

"Dream!" Wilbur cheered happily and grinned and Dream grinned back, "Wilbur!" He greeted back, "I missed you." He added.

"I did too, love." Wilbur responded quietly and leaned his forehead against Dream's. Dream giggled and pecked Wilbur's lips be pulling him to the nearest bench.

"We have important matters to discuss before we can go on an actual date or something, Soot." Dream advised seriously, Wilbur smiled nervously in response.

Dream sat down the bench and Wilbur followed him, he waited nervously for Dream to begin while the blond was staring off into space.

"Wilbur," Dream began, "You know that I love and care about you, right?" He asked, Wilbur whipped his head to the side to look at Dream, shocked at what he'd said.

Dream's posture had sunk and his eyes were watery as he stared at the ground, Wilbur immediately rushed to pull the soft fabric of his sweater over his palms and wipe away the tears that managed to escape the wonderful green eyes of Dream.

"Of course I do, Dream! You're too kind and lovely for this world and I'm so lucky to have you as my boyfriend!" Wilbur reassured him with a kiss on Dream's nose, "-And I hate how I made you think that I thought anything less of that." He finished quietly and looked away but kept his hands gently holding Dream's face.

He looked back at Dream when he felt another hand on his own, Dream leaned into Wilbur's hand with his dazzling smile.

"Thank you Wilbur." He said and threw his arms around Wilbur's neck. He wrapped his arms and wings around Dream again and held him tight.

"I'm sorry." Wilbur whispered into Dream's shoulder, he felt Dream snuggle closer and sigh happily before burying his head in Wilbur's neck. "I forgive you, birdy." Dream mumbled.

The two stayed like that for awhile, relaxing in each other's company underneath the warm sunlight.

Eventually the peace came to an end when Dream's phone rang, the blond wiggled away from Wilbur's grasp and pulled his phone from his pocket and answered the call.

"Hello?" Dream greeted as Wilbur pulled him back into a hug, "Umph." Was his reply to that.

A faint murmur of a voice was heard from Dream's phone, "I'm busy right now, I can't meet up." He said, his eyes narrowing. The murmur came again, to Dream's frustration.

The interaction was confusing Wilbur, so to calm his lover down, he took the black beanie off of Dream's head and ran his fingers through Dream's soft locks.

This had a large calming effect on Dream, as his frustration had disappeared and his eyes relaxed. "I'll contact you later today, alright?" He muttered tiredly, "I have a busy schedule this week." The voice on the other end sighed before murmuring a goodbye and hung up.

Dream exhaled softly and relaxed into Wilbur's embrace as he put phone away. "Who was that?" Wilbur asked softly, Dream turned his head and moved around do the he was practically on top of Wilbur.

"Just my business partner, they wanted to discuss my new experiment that I've been theorizing. It could possibly help the heroes and enhance the DNA tracing machine and data." Dream answered, Wilbur froze.

"Do you mean- it could- it could help us trace Shift?" Wilbur stammered hopefully, Dream giggled at his boyfriend's enthusiasm and nodded.

"It could possibly take awhile though, I don't have machines as advanced as the Tech Lab's or books as informative as their books." Dream explained with a somber tone. Wilbur's eyes lit up with an idea.

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