𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝟕 - 𝟖

Start from the beginning

We were in the kitchen, but I could only tell because of the oven, stovetop, and multiple hanging pots and pans. The walls were painted bright red, giving you the feeling that you were standing in a big red cooking pot. Everything against the walls, including the counters and appliances, curved to fit the shape of the room. The floors were black and white checkered tile like a diner, and there were unwashed dishes littered everywhere.

"Come on, up here," Xenophilius waved after himself distractedly, leading us up a tight, dizzying spiral staircase. A sound like metal repeatedly banging on metal was coming from what seemed to be a couple floors above, and I wondered what Luna could be doing to make such a racket.

When we emerged onto the second floor, I figured this had to be the living room. It was even messier than the kitchen had been, and I saw Hermione itching to pick up and organize it all.

"Tea," Xenophilius muttered, and ran off down the stairs again. We barely had time to look out the window before he was back again, holding a clattering tray with four cracked cups of tea on it. Some of the tea had already spilled out of the cups and onto the tray, but Xenophilius didn't seem to notice.

We all sat down in our—blessed—chairs in a sort of circle, and Xenophilius reluctantly did the same. He sat with his shoulders scrunched up to his ears, holding his tea with trembling hands, until I just couldn't sit in the tense silence any longer.

"Where's Luna?" I asked brightly.

"Luna?" Xenophilius repeated, his eyes darting around the room like he was looking for a way to escape. "She'll be along. She's catching freshwater Plimpies in the river just over the hills. But the real question is, how can I help you, Mr. Potter?"

"Well, actually..." Potter began with a deep breath. "It was about something you were wearing around your neck at the wedding. It was a symbol."

Xenophilius reached around his neck and pulled a chain with a charm on the end out from under his shirt. The charm was the exact same symbol from my bear, and the letter, and Hermione's book. "You mean this?" He asked, face relaxing into something a little more normal.

"Yes," Potter said quietly. "That exactly. We've been wondering what it is."

"Well it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows, of course," Xenophilius replied, furrowing his eyebrows together like he couldn't believe we didn't already know.

"The what?" We all asked at the same time.

"The Deathly Hallows," Xenophilius smiled slightly. "I assume you're all familiar with The Tale of the Three Brothers?"

"Yes," Hermione, Weasley, and I all said simultaneously.

"No," Potter answered instead, looking back at us in shock.

"I have it here," Hermione said, pulling a huge book out of her tiny bag. If Xenophilius was confused by the phenomenon, he didn't show it. She opened to a page near the end and looked up questioningly. Xenophilius nodded encouragingly, and she began to read.

**Watch this if you want to skip the written story and instead listen to the real scene. I know I would. This is my favorite clip from both the Deathly Hallows movies.**

"There were once three brothers who were traveling along a lonely, winding road at twilight."

"Midnight," Weasley interrupted wistfully. "Mum always said midnight."

Hermione sent him a pointed look.

"But twilight's fine!" Weasley hastily added. "Better, actually."

Hermione heaved a great sigh and looked back to the book. "There were once three brothers who were traveling along a lonely, winding road at twilight. In time, the brothers reached a river too treacherous to pass. But, being learned in the magical arts, the three brothers simply waved their wands and made a bridge.

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