𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝟑 - 𝟕

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"Sorry about the bite," Black was apologizing to Weasley as our group walked back out the Shrieking Shack. "I reckon that twinges a bit."

"A bit? A bit!" Weasley exclaimed. "You almost tore my leg off!"

"Now, I was going for the rat," Black said defensively. "Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James suggested that that I make the change permanent. The tail I could live with. But the fleas... they're murder."

When we finally surfaced, Potter and Black lowered Weasley onto a rock so he could rest. Hermione and I followed, and then Lupin, Levitating Professor Snape's still unconscious body and keeping an eye on Pettigrew. Hermione was fussing over Weasley's leg, but Potter was watching his godfather look up at the school.

"Go," I whispered to him.

"You okay?" Potter asked Weasley.

"I'm fine," he assured. "You go."

"That looks really painful," Hermione said, once Potter had left.

"So painful..." Weasley agreed. "They, er... they might chop it."

"I'm sure Madame Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat," Hermione said. 

"It's too late. It's ruined. It'll have to be chopped off."

"This is an exceedingly awkward conversation that I am going to remove myself from now," I announced, and went to go help Professor Lupin with Snape.

"He's alright? Isn't he?" I asked Lupin as he set Snape down against another rock. Pettigrew stood nervously off to the side, knowing that anyone could call the dementors on him the second he tried to run.

"He'll be fine. Just a little... scratched up is all," Lupin answered. "Harry's spell was a bit overkill."

I hummed in agreement, and looked over to where godfather and godson were standing, staring up at the castle together.

"You're the person that's going to have to stay with him. Through everything," Lupin said quietly to me.

I turned back to him in confusion. "What makes you say that, professor?"

"Please, Alexandra. Call me Remus," he said.

"What makes you say that, Remus?" I asked again.

"He trusts you. I can see it," Remus answered. "It's the same way that James looked at... well. Just care for him. Promise me?"

"I promise," I said, surprised, but secretly a little delighted deep inside. What was Remus going to say about James? Who was it that Potter and James looked at the same way?

Remus eventually turned away back to Pettigrew, who had begun to beg once more. "Turn me into a maggot!" He wailed. "Dung beetle! Flobberworm! Anything but the dementors!"

Black and Potter were walking back to us now.

"Ron... ha-haven't I been a good friend, a good pet? You won't let them give me to the dementors, will you? I was your rat!" Pettigrew sobbed. Then he turned to Hermione. "Oh, sweet girl! Clever girl! Surly you won't let them..."

"Get away from her," Remus hissed, pulling him back. 

"You!" Pettigrew said desperately, pointing to me. "I know your father! Your father was a Death Eater." I cringed away. No one had talked about my father being in the Dark Lord's personal ranks for many years. "Lucius wouldn't have wanted me to end up like this. Please! I am weak! I couldn't help it!"

I tripped over to Hermione and Weasley as Remus hauled him away.

"Alexandra..." Hermione said quietly.

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