𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝟏 - 𝟗

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I helped Weasley up by the other arm. We walked all the way back, through the room with the flying keys, which were now content opposed to their earlier murderous intentions, and into the dark area where we had landed after we got past the Devil's Snare.

"How do you suppose we're getting back up?" I asked.

Hermione's brow furrowed in intense thought for a moment before she said, "I can really only think of one way. It's going to be tricky, though."

"What hasn't been so far?" Weasley commented.

"Okay, Alexandra, you know the spell that I used to help Ron, right?" She asked me.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Okay, perfect. In a moment you perform the spell, and I'll Levitate Ron through. Then I'll Levitate myself, and then you. Okay?" She finished.

"You can Levitate humans?" I asked, impressed.

"I hope," was her extremely reassuring answer.

I flicked my wand and whispered the incantation. Light shot out of my wand, not as strong as Hermione's, but strong enough. Hermione Levitated Weasley up through the gaping hole in the vines my spell had made, without warning I assumed from Weasley's yelp.

I focused all my energy on the slowly dying light.

"Hurry, Hermione," I said, frustrated at myself.

Her body was lifted through the hole, and I heard the soft thump of her feet on God knows what platform up there.

"Hermione," I pleaded. The hole was barely large enough to fit me now. I felt my feet shakily lift off the ground. I held my breath as my head slipped through the slowly curling vines, then my torso, then my legs. But I gasped when I felt a tug at my ankle.

I looked down, and saw one thin tendril twisting up my foot. Thicker ones were growing up the singular thick one, trying to wrap themselves all the way up my leg.

Desperately hoping that Hermione wouldn't let me fall, I tried to shoot little sparks at the vines.

"Hurry!" Weasley said helpfully from above.

"I'm trying," I yelled. Shooting one more blast of light at my foot, the Devil's Snare eventually withered back.

With an invisible yank, I was pulled through the air and onto the floor right next to the trap door. I inhaled sharply, trying to get my breath back.

"Where's the dog?" I asked quickly.

Hermione just nodded to Weasley, her face still white. He was playing a small wooden flute, much like the one Hagrid had. It couldn't even really be called a tune, but the animal had still fallen asleep. 

"Let's go," Hermione whispered before helping me up, and then motioning furiously at Weasley for him to follow us. He hastily blew a few more times into the instrument, and then closed the door behind him.

I heard faint growling just before the three of us broke into a run, sprinting to the Owlery. As we climbed up another set of stairs I called out, "Does anyone actually know where the Owlery is?"

"We'll figure it out," Hermione panted from a little ways behind me.

Just as we were turning a corner, I collided with a tall body. I took a step back and was met with Professor Dumbledore's slightly humored face and piercing blue eyes. How mortifying.

"Potter..." I gasped. "He's gone down..."

Without a word Dumbledore whooshed past us, heading back from where we came from. The three of us stood frozen for a second, still in shock. 

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