Chapter 13. Avoided mistakes

Start from the beginning

"Just look at this mood swing! Weren't you the one, who was looking at my ice cream like it killed your entire family, hmm?" I smirk as I watch El purse his lips and the pout appears on her flawless face.

"If you don't want to share, just say so." She says offended, turns around dramatically and begins to walk in the direction we came from.

"Wait, wait, here, you can have all of that," I quickly catch up to her and hold out my bucket. "Can I have your ice cream then, sweet tooth?" Her face immediately lights up, eagerly talking my dessert and handing over hers in return.

"You should have done so right away," she says looking at me out of the corner of her eye with the signature smirk on her lips.

Only now, when we entered the restaurant, we realized that an hour and a half had passed, although it seemed to us that we were gone for a maximum forty minutes.

"Just look who's finally back!" Madison exclaimed, while Liv only grinned at me, arching an eyebrow, silently hinting to me that my evening was surely pretty exciting.

"Lizzie, where have you been for so long?" Dan asks as El sits next to him, avoiding eye contact for some reason. "And why is Y/n wearing your jacket?" he asks, looking at me with a frown and at this phrase Scarlett throws me a knowing look that makes me fix my eyes somewhere on the table.

"We were just walking and lost track of time a bit," El replies curtly, knowing that this day will most likely be imprinted in our memory for a long time to come.

"While you were gone we were talking about where we can go next weekend, if you two don't mind." Olivia once again saves us from an awkward conversation.

Before I can say that I'm surprised at the fact that we've all got along so well, my phone rings and my eyes widen at the name, as I pick it up.

Elizabeth's POV:

"Yes, Taylor?" I hear Y/n say and my eyes instantly go in her direction. That Taylor? I didn't know they were still talking.

"Wait, I can hardly hear anything, where are you? Are you drunk?" She asks, her jaw tightens slightly and she puts her hand on her mouth in a nervous gesture.

Everyone watches the situation in silence, especially Mads and Liv staring open-mouthed at Y/n as she furrows her eyebrows in an attempt to hear what the person on the other end is saying. What the hell is going on and why is the feeling that my chest is tightening starting to increase?

"Oh my god, I can't understand almost anything, just give your phone to the bartender or someone else." From her worried raised voice and nails digging into the skin of her palms, it's clear that she is super nervous.

"Lux, right, is that a name of the club? No, she's not my girlfriend. Please, try to keep her exactly where she is now until I come there, thank you." With a trembling hand, she hangs up the phone, hurriedly starting to gather her things.

"Guys, I'm so sorry, but I need to go urgently. My old friend got wasted at some club and asked me to take her home, I can't just leave her like that." To be honest, seeing her immediately rush off to save her ex is far from the most pleasant sight, and I can't help but feel bitter about it.

"Isn't that the old friend Liv and I are thinking of, Y/n, huh?" Mads asks arching an eyebrow in anticipation of an answer.

"I'll explain everything later, sorry," Y/n replies, pulling out money to pay for her food.

"Do you need any help?" I ask through clenched teeth, only to be met with her apologetic awkward smile.

"No, I can handle it myself, but thank you very much. Bye everyone, I was very happy to spend this day with you." With these words, she practically springs out of the restaurant, leaving us still slightly surprised with her spontaneity.

"So," Danny begins, "we were thinking about going to the Imagine Dragons concert on Friday night, what do you think about that, Lizzie? Or do you already have some plans?"

My head is still occupied with Y/n and her sudden leaving, but this idea gives me the opportunity to redirect my attention to something else.

"That would be great, but you know what my job is. I don't have any plans, but they might call Thursday night and tell me to fly somewhere for a meeting or an event. But for now I'm totally in, you know how much I love this band. Scar, are you going too?"

"You know, old ladies love concerts and Dan Reynolds' naked torso too, so I'll take that opportunity," Scarlett says, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh my god, you're going there for Dan Reynolds' naked torso too, gimme five," Madison exclaims high-fiving my friend, but Liv, Danny, and I just look at each other and roll our eyes. I don't know since when such things don't excite me anymore, but anyway it doesn't really matter.

After staying in the restaurant for another hour, we decide that we have been here for a quite long time already and it's time to go home. Having said goodbye to everyone, I get into my car and start replaying this day in my head on my way home.

Of course, my thoughts lead me to that moment when I could turn my relationship with Y/n 180 degrees. I have no idea what I was guided by while deciding to kiss her and I'm not even sure that I had time to think before reaching for her lips at all.

It's just that the feelings that she causes in me sometimes doesn't leave any chance for my other rational thoughts. She's my safe place, she's my escape, inspiration and I could just go and destroy it all with one thoughtless action. She knew exactly what was going to happen and still didn't let me do it, for which I'm truly grateful to her, even though her act took me by surprise then.

This girl deserves much more than an adult woman with an emotional burden, a bunch of problems, who has no idea why she lives and what her calling is. Moreover, knowing what type of relationship she was in before me, I don't want to hurt her pure soul even more, because I won't be able to tell the world that I'm dating a girl, ruining my whole life with it.

It's funny that now I don't even deny my attraction to women and now I don't even care about it. The only shame is that I couldn't admit this to myself earlier because of the fear of being judged, which, by the way, hasn't gone anywhere.

In any case, I don't think Y/n and I will ever discuss what happened today, so I can only erase it from my memory and hope that she does the same. Or let it stay as an example of something that in no case can be repeated once again. I don't have to get used to stuffing my feelings into a deep box, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Entering my empty house, which I unfortunately can't call my home, I understand that only a hot bath and a little alcohol can now at least calm my raging feelings and thoughts a little. Oh, the day started off so beautifully and now here we are.

Taking off my shoes and changing into a black silk robe, I grab a bottle of my favorite red wine, a plate of chopped fruits, and head to the bathroom. Seems like a typical night of a lonely alcoholic middle-aged woman, but now I couldn't care less.

After emptying half a bottle in twenty minutes, I decide that it's enough for today, because my head isn't so loud anymore and I can finally take a break from being overwhelmed.

Mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed, I suddenly stumble upon a page of none other than Taylor. She seems to be fucking pursuing me everywhere. I click on her profile and the gorgeous woman who brought so much pain in Y/n's life and at the first call of which she ran to her appears before my eyes. The realization of this fact causes another wave of spite to wash over me.

Why is Y/n still attached to this person? Why does she still care about her so much, aren't her feelings long forgotten already? Is that the reason she didn't want to kiss me today? The intrusive thoughts captivate my head once again and my only desire now is all of it to end as soon as possible.

A/n: no kisses today :(

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