Chapter 5: First Friend

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From the last chapter:

Draco Malfoy, my old and dear friend. In this life, please allow me to protect you just like how you protected me then.


"Harry, which house do you think that you will enter? I'll definitely end up in Slytherin! It's the greatest house in Hogwarts." Draco proudly exclaimed like a peacock. Harry hid his snort and stared at the silver-blond haired boy. This prideful Malfoy heir turned into the cold, calculative and calm Lord Malfoy. After the war, Harry helped him and Narcissa in their court. Although those two weren't Voldemort's subordinates, they had to carry the burden of being a 'dark family'.

If you asked where was Lucius, his body was founded in the Azkaban prison after a few days he suddenly went MIA. Draco had to stand on his feet immediately after his father's death. Draco had become his mental support during his darkest days of life.

H̶o̶w̶e̶v̶e̶r̶,̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶a̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶.̶.̶.̶

"I am not sure... My parents were Gryffindors, but most of the elders in my family were in Slytherin. I just wish whatever house I end up with, my parents will be happy for me..." Harry let out a bitter smile. He seriously meant that. He sincerely hoped that his parents were not disappointed in him for doing those activities. Draco paled, thinking that he had touched on a topic that should be avoided.

"H-Harry, I'm sorry. You're not crying, right?" Seeing Draco fretted over him unlike the image he wished to portray in public, Harry let out a cherry laugh. Draco blushed again at the sound of his laughter. What is this streak of protectiveness that he was feeling?

"I'm fine, Draco. Thanks for worrying me. Which class do you feel excited about the most?"

"The flying class, of course. Why do they ban the first years from bringing their own brooms? This is unfair to us. If I can, I will bring my Nimbus 2000. It is the newest edition from the Nimbus Racing Broom Company." Draco pouted at first, but then he chattered on his broom and Quidditch. Not long later, the two boys were interrupted by Madam Malkins.

"Gentlemen, your robes are ready. Heir Malfoy, it will be 150 Galleons. Should I put it on your family's tab as usual?" Draco nodded in thanks before the shopkeeper turned to Harry.

"Lord Potter, these are your school robes. Your training attire will be sent to you by owl in three days. How would you like to pay?" Draco's mind instantly went blank. Lord Potter? The petite boy who looked so innocent, was a lord? Oh Merlin, how could the Malfoy Heir miss it?! Harry was indeed wearing the lord ring!

"By tab, please." Madam Malkins summoned out the receipt and handed a quill to Harry. Harry elegantly signed the receipt before thanking the shopkeeper. Harry smiled at Draco, "Shall we leave?"

"Oh, certainly. Harry, I apologise for stepping over my boundaries. I should have called you Lord Potter..." The heir was stopped by Harry's hand. He looked up only to see Harry's red face and his shy smile.

"Draco, please stop. I don't want my first friend to be so formal with me. Also, please quiet down. I don't want to be found by anyone that I'm here." Harry flattened his bangs to make sure no one will see his scars. Draco's face once again flushed at being dubbed as the first friend, nonetheless by Harry Potter.

"Let's get some ice cream at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. I never try their ice cream before." Harry took his fellow wizard's hand and dragged him out of the store. When they were one step away from the door, Draco only then remembered that his guardian had warned him to stay at Madam Malkin's and wait for him.

"Harry, wait. My uncle has ordered me to wait for him. If he catches me disobeying, my parents will definitely scold me. How about we wait for my uncle first? I will treat you the dessert later." The green-eyed imp halted in his steps before he turned back to stare at Draco. His mind was spinning quickly.

'Uncle? His relative? No... Lucius doesn't have any brothers. The only one that is close to the Malfoy lord in this timeline, that is closed enough to become Draco's godfather is-' A rich and silky voice, just like a poet's voice rang from the door.

"Draco, I trust that you've acquired your robes and obeying my instruction?" Draco walked to Harry's side and bowed. Harry followed him quickly but in a more traditional way. Since the boy was able to meet him earlier, it wouldn't hurt to set a good first impression.

"Yes, uncle."

"Hmm, would you mind introducing your fellow... schoolmate?"

"Uncle, this is the lord of ancient and noble house Potter, Harry Potter. Harry, this is my godfather, the youngest Potions master in Britain, Severus Snape."

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