Chapter 2: Business Development

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"Morning, Tom. May I have some chicken sandwich and hot soya milk?" A physically nine years old boy sat on a stool in front of the bartender. Tom turned around and smiled at the boy.

"Of course. Coming right up in a few minutes, Hades. Also, congratulations! You're going to open your shop today, right? Take this breakfast and a cup of tiramisu as a congratulatory gift from me." Harry who was nicknamed Hades beamed at Tom while saying thank you.

It's been two years since the mentally 29-year-old boy who lived arrived at this timeline. Hades enjoyed his wonderful breakfast with a silly smile. 'If someone let me rank the most pleasant thing to have in mornings, I definitely put Tom's breakfast as NO.1.' The customers and the bartender who saw that genuine grin could feel their hearts fluttered in happiness at seeing the pure joy from the child.

"Thanks again, Tom. Have a good day!" Hades waved in goodbye before going to the entrance to Diagon Alley. Hades smiled approvingly at the new clean pub and he could see that there is no sober and drunk wizards or witches everywhere. 'Good thing that Tom and I decided to renew the pub. After all, we need to set a good impression of the Britain Wizarding Community.'

'Ah~ Today, I have to open my new shop, check my accounts for the potions business and enchanted items shops... Oh, I have a meeting with them as well! Oh my~ such a busy day~' Hades pouted at his to-do list for the day before skipping with another enthusiasm. 'Never mind! In fact, these things can take off my mind from thinking anything unpleasant~'

"It's now around 9 a.m. Time to open it up." Harry switched on the signboard of his Tech shop, the "Teddy Tech." He gleefully skipped to the counter and saw his workers had finished preparing themselves for the day.

"Morning, Jones and Louise. We finally open our shop today. Aren't you guys excited?" Hades cheerfully chirped at his work partners. Louise giggled at his child boss's antics while Jones nodded happily with Hades's exclamation.

The two squibs were thankful that Hades employed them to work with him in the wizarding world. Through hard work and some strings from Hades, both were able to claim their professional license for the technology field to their surprise. What they didn't know is that Hades had met them in the past life and had witnessed their intelligence.

"I can't wait to introduce our inventions. Little boss, the idea of letting Gringotts Bank and the goblins use CCTV is so brilliant! I wonder if the people have noticed the changes in the Gringotts Bank..." Louise chuckled with a dark aura surrounding him. He really wanted to see the dumbfounded faces of wizards and witches when they realized the awesomeness of muggles and squibs.

Sweat-dropping, Hades and Jones quickly stepped back at the sight of Louise's scary smile and aura. Before any of them uttered out a word, a shy yelp from the door interrupted the little drama.

In an instant, seven pairs of eyes met one another and the three males in the shop jumped and quickly tidied themselves up.


"H-hello! Welcome to Teddy's Tech! Is there anything that I can help you with?" Hades smiled at the girl who let out a yelp again. He secretly criticized the family's clothing and guessed their origin.

"We are interested when we see that a tech shop appears in the Wizarding World, moreover we saw there are CCTV in the bank just now. We never saw anything like those last year." The elder boy explained and glanced at the gadgets that were displayed.

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