To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

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Cameron POV

We're mostly packed up and ready to go, there's just a few more things let to pack and then we can head home, I can't deny the fact that I'm so excited to go home and be around my friends. The dread of having to stay at Stanford for Nash is completely gone, I haven't been this happy since we started school here. Nash is standing outside on the balcony, the door is a little open and I can hear him talking softly into his phone.

I'm curious as to who is on the phone and why Nash feels the need to go outside to speak. I creep closer to the sliding door and I can understand what he's saying.

"It doesn't matter that the coach offered me captaincy of the team I'm not going back on my word to Cameron. His happiness is a thousand time more important than Lacrosse," he's saying and I frown,he never told me the coach had offered him that.

"I know... I haven't told him I'm considering playing Lacrosse professionally, UCLA has a great sports program." He says after being silent for a few moments.

My heart drops, what else has Nash been keeping from me? I thought we were completely open with each other but I guess not, my feelings are hurt.

"Listen, I have to go we're almost ready to head out." He says quietly and I turn and walk into the kitchen, I wonder when he's planning on telling me the news and I don't think I'll reveal the fact that I already know.

I go back to the kitchen as he enters the apartment, he comes up behind me and kisses and the side of my neck gently as he wraps his arms around me. I force myself to relax and pretend that everything is okay.

"Ready to go?" He murmurs and I turn around in his arms and give him a soft kiss on his lips.

"Yeah, let's get out of here..." I reply and I lay my head on his chest as hug him tightly. Even though my feelings are hurt because he didn't tell me about the coach offering to make Nash captain or that he's considering Lacrosse professionally, it's still s big sacrifice that he's making for me. I feel grateful to have an amazing boyfriend he would put my needs above his.

I pull away and grab his hand, we do a final walk through the apartment to make sure we don't leave anything behind and then we head out and drive back home. The closer we get to our home, the happier I am. I pull up to my driveway and Nash pulls up to his. I help him unload his car and then he helps me unload mine.

We haven't really spoken much since arriving, Nash looks pensive and I wonder if it has something to do with Lacrosse. It feels a little strange living apart now, I've grown used to sleeping next to Nash and I doubt our parents will allow us to share a room until winter break is over.

Christmas is coming soon and along with that Nash's birthday. We're planning a surprise birthday party for him. I greet my mom and give her a big hug but my mind is on Nash and Lacrosse. I have dinner with my family and afterwards I go up to my room and get into my bed. It feels nice to be home again, to be able to plan outings with my friends and not have to drive hours to see them.

I'm thinking about everything and I start to feel tired, I'm drifting off to sleep when my door opens and Nash steps in. He slides into bed with me and I turn to face him. He captures my lips in a soft kiss and he strokes my cheek gently.

"How am I supposed to sleep without you for an entire month?" He complains and I laugh softly.

"It's only temporary," I tell him and he stares at me with his brow furrowed. "What's up, baby?"

"Are you happy to be back home?" He asks me quietly and I wonder if that question has anything to do with the opportunity he's giving up for me.

"I'm so happy to be back, I feel so much better," I tell him truthfully.

"Good. All I want is to make sure you're happy, baby. I love you so much," he replied and he leans in again and kisses me gently. His lips flow over mine like water, it's a slow kiss that starts a fire inside of me. His hand caresses my side gently and he trails his fingers down to my sweatpants, he rubs my growing erection with his hand and I moan into his kiss.

"Did you lock the door?" I ask him between kisses. Nash groans and gets up from the bed, he goes to the door and locks it before returning to me. He pulls down my sweatpants and briefs, the cool air that hits me makes me shiver. He takes my erection into his hand and licks it slowly, teasing me.

"Baby..." I moan and I run my hand through his hair, he takes the head in his mouth and sucks on it lightly.

I raise my hips trying to get more of my cock into Nash's mouth but he places his hands on my hips to prevent me from moving. He loves teasing me and I hate it, but he makes me feel so good.

He starts to bob his head slowly on my cock and I let out a ragged breath and a small moan. My hands rest on his hair and he starts to suck my faster, it feels so good. He lets me push his head down on my cock, forcing him to deep throat me. I moan louder when I hit the back of his throat and he chokes on my cock, I can feel him swallowing and I bite my lip as a rush of pleasure courses through my body.

"I'm going to cum, baby," I moan and he moves faster, he takes me all the way in each time and I cum suddenly deep in his mouth. He swallows everything I have to give him and then licks the rest of my cock clean, my body shakes with aftershocks of pleasure and he pulls my sweats and briefs back up before crawling up my body and kissing me deeply, allowing me to taste myself in his kiss.

I trail my hand down to his erection but he stops me. "That was all for you, baby."

I tilt my head with confusion, that's probably the first time Nash has ever said that. I chew the inside of my mouth and shrug internally, I'm not going to argue with him. We cuddle and I close my eyes, I have my face buried in Nash's neck and every time I breath I take in his intoxicating scent. I can't get enough of my love.

We stay like that for hours, Nash runs his fingers up and down my side as I rub his chest and stomach with my hand. It feels nice just to cuddle with him and not have to talk to fill the silence. It's a comfortable silence and it allows me to think about everything we've been through. It's crazy to think how many people attempted to sabotage our relationship; Katrina, Sam, Jake and Nate. None of the other couples have had problems like that and it's honestly confusing as to why we're targeted by these people.

I guess it's not hard to figure it out, Nash is desirable. His personality and looks are enough to draw anyone in and I'm so lucky to call him mine. I would do anything for him, just like he would do anything for me. I'm so happy we have a strong relationship that weathered all of the attempts of people trying to break us up.

The only thing that bothers me is the fact that he hasn't told me about giving up the chance to be captain of the Lacrosse team and that he's considering playing professionally. I'll wait patiently to see if he tells me, maybe when we start classes at UCLA I'll bring it up, but for now I'm leaving it up to him.

Our break is fun, we spend it with our friends who are happy that we will all be together until we graduate from college. We spend Christmas with both of our families and it's an amazing sight to see all of us together because of Nash and I. We celebrate Nash's birthday at the cabin and it's so much fun, no one crashes it like last year. Nash still hasn't brought up the Lacrosse thing with me and we're getting closer to the start of classes. I've signed up for all of my classes but Nash evades my questioning regarding his schedule. That is extremely confusing for me, I don't understand why he doesn't want to show me.

I crack my iPhone and it's getting fixed so I don't have it. I'm using Nash's phone to text Matt when he receives a message from his former coach at Stanford.

Coach M.- very glad you took our offer, we are excited to have you return to the team and I'm confident you'll be an amazing captain for the squad.

My heart drops when I see that message. What the fuck?

A/n- 😳 two more chapters then it's on to the 3rd book

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