A Song For You

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Nash POV

Cameron is still upset about Jacob and I don't know what to do, I've tried everything I know to cheer him up but I know it's not easy to deal with a betrayal like that from someone you considered a close friend. It's crazy because I was kind of jealous of the time that Cameron was spending with Jacob and the little asshole came on to me. He's insane for thinking I'd ever leave the love of my life for him. I know Cameron talked about our relationship a lot, he must know how devoted we are to each other.

We're sitting next to each other in bed and I can feel Cameron looking at me so I glance at him.

"I want to go home next weekend," he tells me quietly. "I just want to be around my real friends, you know? Like I know I can trust them 100%, I just feel like I'm 0 for 2 in the new friends department. Both new friends I made ended up betraying me and I don't even know who to trust anymore other than our best friends."

My heart clenches at his sad tone and the heartbroken look on his face. I would do anything to make that look disappear from his face, I curse the day Cameron ever met Jacob. I hate that he's making Cameron doubt himself for trusting people that ultimately betrayed him.

"Baby, you know it's not you, right? Those assholes are the ones at fault, not you. You're so fucking amazing, Cam. Jacob will realize the type of friend he lost and he will regret it," I tell him, trying my best to comfort him but I can't make that sad look leave his face. He just shrugs and looks down at his hands.

"Cameron..." I say softly and pull him into my lap when he starts to sniffle sadly, "I could fucking kill that asshole for what he did to you, I swear to God."

Cameron doesn't reply, he just buries his face in my neck and his body shakes with his quiet sobs. My heart is breaking for him and there's nothing I can do to help him feel better. This is something that he will have to work out on his own. He eventually cries himself to sleep and after I carefully slide him onto the bed and cover him, I pull out my phone and text our friends. We plan a weekend at the cabin, I know just being there surrounded by our friends will do wonders for him.

I cuddle close to him and fall asleep with him in my arms. I'm awoken by the door and I frown because we shouldn't have any visitors. I slide out of bed carefully, I don't want to wake Cameron up. I walk out to the living and open the door to reveal Nate. What the fuck?

"A little birdy told me where you lived so I thought I'd drop by and give my favorite Lacrosse player a visit," he tells me and I clench my fists because I immediately know that Jacob told Nate where Cameron and I live.

Cameron is already feeling so down, he's fragile right now and any drama with Nate might be enough to throw him over the edge. I need to get rid of him, fast.

"Nate, what the fuck do you want? Make it quick, I have shit to do." I lie, I know if I slam the door in his face he will just keep knocking and wake Cameron up.

"Just checking in, seeing if you left that weak ass Cameron yet." He tells me with a shit-eating grin.

"Nate, you're just digging your hole deeper, dude. Like honestly, this is pathetic. You know, I pretty much thought you had gotten as pathetic as you could get but you've just proven me wrong. You're weak, bro," I reply with a smirk and I watch as he slowly turns red with embarrassment.

"Good luck getting on the field next game," he threatens and I laugh at him.

"Dude, you know coach will just put me in like he did last time. I'm your best player and you know it. I don't want you, Nate. I never will. I'm literally in a relationship with the love of my life, like I'm going to marry that guy. I wear a necklace with the first letter of his name 24/7. This is a secret but I feel like I should share it with you. I'm tattooing his name on my chest. We're permanent, nothing you can do will ever make me want you. Cameron is it for me. You missed the boat dude, you're like 2 years too late." I tell him casually and he just stares at me with his mouth open slightly. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"This is getting old and repetitive, I'm honestly bored with it. Are you going to stop chasing me yet? Because I will put you on blast in front of the entire team if that's what it takes. They should know how much of a pathetic, whiny bitch their captain is, " I tell him viciously with a smirk on my face. I can tell my words cut him, his face falls and he looks unsure of himself. After blinking rapidly a few times, he abruptly turns and leaves. I close the door with a satisfied smile on my face.

I think he finally got the message.

With Jacob and Nate taken care of, I hope we can have a quiet week and then we'll have a nice weekend with our friends. I need to keep this week as drama free for Cameron so he can recuperate. I know he feels insecure and I hate it, I hate that Jacob made him feel that way.

When I close the door and turn I'm startled because Cameron is standing behind me with a small smile on his face.

"I love you, Nash." He says softly and I pull him into my arms and hug him tightly.

"I love you too, baby." I reply and I'm happy to see a smile on his face instead of the sad look he's had since Jacob's lame display of stupidity.

I get my wish, Jacob and Nate leave us alone during the week and we pack our bags and head to the cabin. He and I are the first to arrive and I lead him to the backyard and we get into the hammock and cuddle quietly.

I close my eyes and relax, there's no Jacob or Nate here to ruin our time together. The warm breeze, Cameron's body cuddled close to mine and the sound of running water lull me to sleep.

I'm woken up by the arrival of our rambunctious friends. We get off the hammock to greet them and I notice a difference right away. Carter and Matt are ignoring each other. I had no idea they were even having problems, I've been so wrapped up in my own problems that I've neglected my friends. I go up to Carter with a questioning look and he shrugs at me.

"Bro, what's up?" I ask him and he glances at Matt before leading me away from the group.

"Matt and I broke up. For good this time." He tells me nonchalantly.

"What the fuck? What the hell happened?" I ask him. "And why are you acting like this isn't a big deal?"

"He's just so fucking clingy, Nash. Like he needs to be around me 24/7 and it just was so annoying. We were roommates, we have like every class together, and he wanted to do everything with me. I just needed a break and he told me we're over if I want a break, so we are over. I moved out of our room, we still have classes together but I just sit as far away from him as I can," I glance at Matt who is now talking to Cameron with a sad expression on his face. I feel bad for Matt because I know he genuinely loves Carter. I bet he'd take him back in an instant, even though he shouldn't. Carter has made the same mistake over and over, he's my friend but I honestly believe he doesn't deserve Matt.

"Bro, you fucking blew it." I tell him bluntly and Carter looks taken aback by my words, he was probably expecting me to agree with him. "You just fucked up the best thing in your life. You may think you're fine but you're going to realize how much you miss him. How much you miss his affection and the attention he gave you. You'll miss his kisses, you'll miss the times you spent together. You'll want him back but it will be too late, Matt will move on and find someone who treats him right."

Carter looks insecure and he glances at Matt before looking back at me. "No I won't." He denies weakly.

I shrug and walk back to Cameron and I stand behind him, I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"Carter is an idiot, Matt. He's going to realize what an amazing person he had and I hope you don't take him back. I know it would be hard but I know you can find someone who will treat better. He's one of my closest friends but honestly I feel like you can do so much better. I know you can, you're pretty awesome." I tell Matt, trying to comfort him and he gives me a smile with watery eyes.

"Thanks, Nash. I don't think you realize how much that means to me... he just makes me feel so fucking insecure about myself and I wonder if it's me. My friends tell me it's not but they're my friends, you know? They're supposed to be in my corner. But hearing it come from you just... lets me know it's not me, it's him. I'm honestly done with him, I can't keep doing this, it shouldn't be that hard..." he trails off and I pull away from Cameron and wrap my arms around Matt. I hug him tightly and he cries quietly in my shoulder. I feel so bad for him because I think it just hit him that things between him and Carter are officially done for good.

I hope to God I never have to go through this with Cameron, I don't know how I'd survive it.

A/n- uhmm new character soon  can you guys guess who?

Carpe Diem - cash au -Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon