I stay silent thinking if I should say my name or not, I have only met her but I have already cried into her shoulder.

Before I could answer she speaks again, "My name is Scarlett"She says with a slight smile on her face. "Georgia"I whisper loud enough for her to hear me.

"Georgia that's a wonderful name, how old are you Georgia?"Scarlett asks me placing a hand on my knee while gently caressing it in a comforting manner.

"I'm 14 years old"I say smiling slightly at Scarlett, she nods her head and slightly frowns. "Where are your parents?"She asks looking around looking around for my parents before looking back to me.

"I don't have any"I say quietly making her freeze and frown all in one go, "What do you mean you don't have any parents sweetie?"Scarlett asks confused and also sadly.

"I'm an orphan, I ran away from my foster parents"I tell her looking back at the floor. "Why did you run away?"Scarlett asks me concerned.

"They hurt me"I whisper, Scarlett looks at me urging to me continue, "They abuse me so I ran away"I tell her hesitantly.

"How about you come back to my house and maybe we can clean your bruises and other injuries so they heal faster and maybe if you want you can stay the night until we figure something out"Scarlett offers me, I am surprised that she would let me stay in her house, she doesn't even know anything about me except my name, age and about my abuse.

"I'm not sure I should go there, I don't wanna be a burden and distract you from your life. I'm not that important anyway"I tell her making her gasp, "You are important Georgia and don't say anything bad about yourself ever again, none of it is true and you are just putting yourself down. You will never be a burden to me so please let me help you"Scarlett asks once again, I reluctantly agree making her smile.

"Right come on then"She says standing up, I go to stand up beside her but my legs are like and jelly and I fall straight back onto the bench.

"You should've told me you couldn't walk sweetie"Scarlett says helping me up and she lets me lean into her side as we walk.

When I saw Georgia I immediately noticed something off about her, she is so small and slightly underweight, she has multiple bruises, cuts, burns and dried blood all over her body, she has a black eye and a crooked nose which is most likely broken.

She collapsed onto the bench 2 minutes ago, there is sweat dripping down her forehead, she is panting like an over heated dog and she looks so exhausted and in need of water and proper food.

She told me that her foster parents abuse her and that's when I knew that I had to help her, I felt a motherly instinct that this girl needed my help and that's exactly what I am gonna do.

She was hesitant about coming back to my place and she also said she isn't important and that she is a burden which she most certainly isn't, I need to find a way to help her get these negative thoughts out of her head.

"Ok so this is my house"I say as we come up towards my house in New York, she stares in awe as we walk towards the front door.

"Wow it's beautiful"She says staring up at the top floor, there is three floors. The first floor is the kitchen, living room, bathroom and movie room. The second floor is my bedroom, Rose's bedroom, the guest bedroom and another bathroom. The third floor is the gym me and my friends and family use sometimes.

"Well how about we go and get your injuries cleaned and put some cream on them and then we can sit and watch some television until I start the dinner"I tell Georgia, she nods her head and I guide her to the bathroom downstairs.

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat