Good Day

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I was sitting on the couch, bored as ever. No one was busy so we all just sat around, I decided to text the groupchat to see what everyone is up to.

Wassup girliesss

Maddy 🤍: Heyy Grace.

Bb: Heyy

Rue 👽: Sup.

What are you guys up to today? Any plans?

Maddy 🤍: No I was gonna go swimming though. Do u guys wanna come? I can rent out the pool for today since it's hot out and we can have a pool party!

Yess sounds like fun! No one is busy today so we're all pretty bored

Bb: I'm down

Rue 👽: Uh okay yeah. I'll come

Cassie 😌: Oooh, I'll come!

Lexi 😇: Me too!

Maddy 🤍: Okay, see u all later!


Ash: "Whaaaat."

"Wanna go swimming?"

Ash: "Um, no. Noy really."

"Aw c'mon please. It's hot out and Maddy is renting out the pool for a pool party. We're all invited."

Fez: "Ash, just go. Be a kid for once, man."

"Fez you should come too."

Fez: "Nah, I'm chillin' here."

"Lexi is coming."

Fez: "What time?"

"I'd say it starts in about am hour, give or take. Maddy's pretty fast-working at these things."

Fez: "Ight then."

"So you coming, Ash?"

Ash: "Fucking fine, oh my God."

"Attitude. What's up with you?"

Ash: "It's. Too. Hot. In. This. House!"

He shouted. "Yeah that's why we're gonna go swimming, dickbag."

Time for the party

Fez: "Ayo, yall ready?"

Ash & Grace: "Yup!"

We all got into the car. I made sure to grab Layla's floaties and all that. We then drove to the pool and arrived in 15 minutes, everyone was already there.

Maddy: "You made ittt!" Maddy said, running up to me and pulling me into a hug in which I hugged her back. We set our stuff down and I took off my shorts that were over my bathingsuit.

Maddy: "Bitch, you look hot I'm starting to think it's not the weather, it's you."

"Thank you, Mads."

Ash: "Yeah she does look hot."

Ash came up behind me, snaking his arms around my waist, he towered over me.

Maddy: "Too cute." She said taking a picture.

Maddy: "Are you two gonna come in?"  She said, walking toward the pool.

"Yup, just a sec." I replied, smiling while putting Layla's floaties on her. When I did, we went into the water. I held her up and swam carefully with her.

Lexi: "If you two wanna go swim, I can takeover and swim with Layla if you want."

"Are you sure?"

Lexi: "Of course, I don't really care for swimming games that much anyway."

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