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Classified Imperial Base
LST: 06:06:06 // DAY: 20

"We have an Echo-Sierra-4-16-3 in effect!" A voice erupts on the base's PA system, "I repeat an Echo-Sierra-4-16-3!"

Mech stops his patrol around the empty armory looking past the update that had just been sent to his helmet.

The doors swish open behind him. Two soldiers in Kataran armor come rushing in.

"Captain IC-Fifty-Five-Seventy?" Says one.

Mech nods. The number is correct but the IC identification is new.

"Dirk." He touches a hand to the visor of his helmet.

"Slug," says the other in half second synchronization.

"Do you have any idea what's going on?" Mech says recognizing the escape drill name from the update he didn't get to finish reading.

"New procedures, sir. Someone is trying to escape."

Mech switches to a different comlink circuit and says, "This is Captain Mech on an open channel, does anyone have eyes on the target?"

"TK-Seven-Sixty is on Level Six heading towards the armory." Comes the reply in Mech's identical voice.

"Copy that," Mech says, "I've got two troopers to intercept. Mech out."

TK-760? Mech makes a note of the trooper designation. He could have sworn he heard it before. He tries to recall where, but like a half-remembered dream, it slips further and further from his comprehensive grasp.


Mech brings up his eyes and spots Dirk's arms clawing at the bottom of a locker as he disappears around its corner.

"Dirk!" Slug says rushing over and leveling his blaster down the aisle.

"Wait!" Mech says but as the word leaves his mouth a body of scratched and gritty armor collides with Slug's chest.

The two bodies go tumbling. Mech raises his blaster attaching the PEP stun muzzle but can't get a bead on the AWOL TK-trooper.

"Stand down Seven-Sixty!" He says.

The TK-trooper strangles Slug from the rear as he claws at his helmet. Mech still can't hit the trooper without hitting the commando. Slug stops struggling. The TK-trooper dives back behind the lockers and Mech fires a stun round.

It misses.

Captain Mech flanks the isle with his blaster at the ready, but as he comes around, the only one there is Dirk, sprawled out on the floor. His blaster pistol missing. Mech crouches next to him keeping his eyes up as his fingers check for a jugular pulse.

He nods to himself confirming Dirk is still alive. He stands, steadying his blaster.

He blinks switching to squad comms. He says, "Mech to Tapcaf. We've got two commandos down in the Armory."

"Copy that IC-Fifty-Five-Seventy. I'm on my way." The transmission clicks. Strangely there's no red indicator light.

"TK-Seven-Sixty, this doesn't have to be complicated!" Mech's voice booms out of his external audio. He checks his sights down another aisle. Clear.

He continues, quietly stepping with his boot heel first and letting his foot roll to the toes. He listens for footsteps or the charge up of a blaster pistol.

Where is he? Mech casts his gaze to the tops of the lockers. The overhead glowpanels shut off plunging the room into darkness. The ground lights click on dimly lighting the walkways. He changes visor filters and spots a thermal reading on the other side of the next row of lockers.

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