Summertime Blues

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I have been dreaming this story in parts for a couple months. This story starts out as pre debut and will work to current times. I hope you enjoy it.

Looking around at the wall-to-wall floor you were in charge of sweeping and mopping each night you sighed. Wishing you were back in California instead of starting summer here at your mom's work. All your friends were going to be surfing and going to parties and you were going to be stuck here in Korea. Your mom's old friend from school had opened this dance studio 3 years ago and was teaching kpop trainees. So your mom had decided to move back here. You were going to finish school in the states but the summers were hers.

Since your parent's divorce, they had said you were changing and had an attitude, and you were pretty sure your dad had been fine with you being here too as they both thought you needed time away from your friends and their influences.

At least she left you alone in the dance studio to listen to music and not watch over you. You continued to sweep and when you were scooping up the debris in the dustpan and emptying it a song came on that you loved.

Kelly Clarkson: Stronger

Being the daughter of someone who danced and choreographed for a living you had always been active in dance and since you had just polished the mirrors to a shiny gleam you took advantage of them. Wearing white sweats, white Nikes, and a blue tank top you kicked out as you stomped and swirled to the music your eyes closed enjoying the music and letting go of some of the anger you had been harboring at your mothers. You'll have fun and get to know your ancestors and family. You are too Western as she liked to say.

When the song ends and your breathing has returned to normal you open your eyes and there's a dark-haired teenager in the corner his back against the wall. He pushes off of it when you stop. "Excuse me." He says in stilted English. "I practice?"

His dark eyes watch you closely. And you're struck by how cute he looks, shy almost and quiet.

Answering in Korean you tell him that he can. He's startled and asks. "You are Korean? You look American."

You smile as you have heard that a lot. Especially since getting here 2 days ago. "Yes, I am Korean-American. My mom moved to America when she was 19 and met my dad there."

He smiles and you feel a butterfly in your stomach. Wow, he's more than cute.

He walks over to you and offers his hand to shake. "My name is Park Jimin."

You shake his hand. "My name is Lindsey Aera Carter."

Smiling again at you, you smile back. Maybe being here won't be so bad you think.

"You said you need to practice?" You asked him.

Nodding he frowns. "I need to work on my form and dancing and singing. I am trying to debut with a group next year. What about you?"

"That? I was just dancing. I'm not trying out for anything."

He looks down and then back up his hair long and covers his eyes a bit but his smile is a little naughty when he speaks. "Why not? You dance very well, and are very pretty."

You push your blond hair back from your face, you had inherited all but the tilt of your hazel eyes from your dad. "Thank you. I don't know." You say answering his question. "I'm only here to spend the summer with my mother. She moved here in May. She is running this place with Mi Young."

"Noona Heejin is your mother then?"

At your nod, he smiles.

"Now I can see why her daughter is so beautiful."

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