Chapter 7: Take Care Of Her

Start from the beginning

White's statement chilled most, except for those who had lost their hearing, but after Alix sent them a message explaining the sentimonster's plan, they were shocked. That giant albino snake that had cursed them was going to become a voluntary sacrifice to heal Marinette.

"You don't have to go to such extremes, dammit!", Adrien banged furiously inside the box, while Plagg ate his camembert cheese as fast as possible, "You're not bad! You don't deserve that fate! Surely there is another way to save Marinette! Please, White...!", the blonde breathed heavily, trying to calm down. "Adrien doesn't want you to die! He told me... he told me that you're a friend of his, and that he wants Marinette to get to know you", replied the young man, while the sentimonster listened to him with it's eyes closed, "He wants the three of them to go out and have fun, to spend time with Marinette helping her in her designs, to play Mega Strike, and also... Help Marinette propose! Because the idiot still doesn't know what to say to her..." After confessing all that, Adrien clenched his teeth helplessly, shedding tears from the anger of the situation.

"I see that Adrien didn't tell you about my power, which has diminished too much", White raised the box up to his eyes, "Not even the power of an akuma can prevent Marinette's flame of life from going out, and since absolute power demands a sacrifice in return, I must be, that way there won't be any loop that could damage the existence of this reality, and it won't affect any innocent person either", White Snake explained, the second a green light it shone inside the box, and Chat Noir managed to get out, thanks to the fact that with his transformation he managed to recover his staff.

"When did you hit the growth spurt?!", exclaimed the surprised feline, and White blinked for a few seconds, then hit his tail with his face.

"Seriously Chat Noir?", the sentimonster showed the bracelet hanging from one of her fangs, "The akuma that was in Marinette's bag, is here now, that's why I have this "appearance"", replied the giant snake, while dodging an "attack surprise" of the feline, who collided face-to-face with one of the metal beams, and then fell to the ground on his back. "I think you're still a little stunned by everything that happened", White carefully held Chat with his tail, lifting him off the ground, "So I'll take you up, and we'll put an end to this", the sentimonster climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower , leaving the rest of the people out.

After leaving the impression on White Snake's wish, several went with the Dupain-Cheng to look for answers, although the first to stand in front of them was Chloé, throwing a silent tantrum, so she went into the background, when Lila herself went to confront them.

"You are accomplices of that thing!", The Rossi girl roared, but several toads came out of her mouth, croaking and jumping into the crowd "UGH! You knew about that sentimonster, right?!", This time nothing came out of Lila's mouth, since instead of wanting to harm the Dupain-Cheng, she was demanding answers.

"Listen very well young lady...!", Mr. Tom bellowed, but his wife reassured him, and he walked a few steps to face Lila.

"Yes, we knew about her, because it was the same White who introduced herself to us, to reveal that her existence was due to the fact that you, Lila Rossi, defamed my daughter again, making your classmates believe that Marinette tried to " intoxicate you" as well as, supposedly, having pushed you towards the appetizer table", the Asian woman declared with a cold voice, and Lila sweated dry when she felt the furious gaze of her ex-colleagues on her, since Alix was writing them what was happening, "which led to all her "friends" turning against her, and Hawk Moth along with Mayura trying to forcibly akumatize her", Mrs. Sabine walked with her hard gaze towards Lila, who automatically backed away in surprise, "And which caused the fall of my daughter, which almost cost her life if it weren't for her sentimonster", Mrs. Sabine crossed her arms, without changing the hard expression on her face. "The only reason why we didn't give the alert was because we didn't want Ladybug to disappear, White is very special, so my husband and I were looking everywhere for Ladybug and Chat Noir, but we were unsuccessful", lamented the lady Sabin.

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