4. Unprecedented Results.

Start from the beginning

PKP's members supported the former president after being pardoned, That was when CPP-NPA-NDF split away from the orginal communist party and started their own as an opposition, From there Martial Law and PKP shared interest in many ways and therefore became best friends a couple of months later until the present...

"Really now?"


The former Communist, went inside the house and was welcomed by the modernity of the inside than the outside that looked like it dated back from the colonization times.

"I assume, You're still using your infinite wealth?"

"Can't deny."

PKP went and made himself at home by sitting in the couch there in the living room. Resting his bag beside him and looked around the room with his eyes.

"I know we haven't met for a decade now. But I feel overwhelmed by the inside structure of your house alone... I feel like I'm too broke compared to you."

The former communist  sarcastically put his remark and looked at Martial, frowning, on why he was still rich beyond compare when he didn't show up in public for more than a decade long.

"Nonsense, I don't even use 90% of what I have in my bank account."

"Still rich."

They continued their conversation in another topic that seemed that the both of them were getting too fired up. While hearing their discussion, North Korea emerged from another hall, crossing the living room to get the the kitchen, as he became thirsty all of a sudden.

Caught inside the topic, PKP stopped suddenly and laid eyes on North Korea then to Martial.

"I didn't know you had your boyfriend over..."


Martial was caught off guard as well as the Korean, as he stopped in his tracks.

"You've misunderstood! He isn't―"

"Sure~ But why are you suddenly defensive? Is there something going on?"

PKP teased, looking at both the Filipino and Korean. Smirking afterwards...

North Korea just hid his red face over his hand and went straight to the kitchen, as he intended. Martial Law, alarmed, as he was in the beginning, Glared at his old friend and went after the Korean to apologize.

Of course, PKP took thought of this gesture in another way.

• • • • • • •

"North- North, I apologize for his behavior. Don't get it the wrong way―"

"Its alright, really, You've already warned me earlier. No need for fruitless worries."

"Are you sure?"

The North Korean only nodded, with his back turned from the Filipino holding a full glass of water in hand.

"Its no problem... I am also a guest here that is overdue, It is normal for someone to misuderstand."

He then proceeded to chug down the water he held from the glass on his hand until it was empty and not one drop was left. Martial glanced down to the glass on North's hand and saw it was shaking just as the Korean was trembling.

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