"Calm down darling. She doesn't blame you for it ok?" I nodded my head and took a deep breath

Florence put her head in the crook of my neck. Just having her here was easing my mind

Time skip

There was a knock at the door while me and Florence we're having a coffee, I went to the front door, Tracy was there with tears running down her face

"Come here" I whispered as she collapsed in my arms gripping my shirt like it was the only thing holding her up

"Come on, let's get you to the kitchen Florence is in there and there's coffee that was just made" she nodded her head and whipped her tears

I was first to walk in, Florence looked at me than behind me. She gave Tracy a small smile and handed her a cup of coffee

"I don't know how you like it, but I can get some cream and sugar for you," she said walking over to the fridge

"Blacks fine. Thank you" she looked at Florence

We all sat down at the island, I was in the middle with Florence on my right while Tracy was on my left, I told her we were here for her and we'll be listening the whole time

"I had to go into the office to get some paperwork" she started

"I needed to get something from Jessica's (coworker) office, her office was on the floor above mine so it was a pretty long walk. Thank God I didn't wear heels" she chuckled lightly

"As I was walking I heard someone in the janitor's closet, so I opened the door." She paused tears threatening to fall down her face

"Enzo was in there on top of some girl. He shot his head in my direction and jumped off the girl. He was yelling my name but I just ran to my office, got my stuff and left. I tried so hard to be perfect for him, I didn't tho k he would ever cheat" she started breaking down

I looked at Florence than at Tracy. I got up off the stool and wrapped my arms around her

"I'm here, going to be ok." I paused and looked over at Florence again. I nodded my head towards the living room

"Hey, I'll be right back. I just need to talk to Flo" she nodded and I left the room

Florence sitting on the couch tapping her foot against the hardwood floor

"I know this is a lot to ask but she has nowhere to go, do you think I could stay with you and mom for a bit while Tracy has my place?" I looked anywhere but at her. I didn't want her to see the worry on my face

"Oh my God yes. That's not a lot to ask Sam, your sister is in need. It's so nice for you to do this even after all that's happened in the past" she stood up and walked over to me

"I just need you to promise me one thing." I looked over at her and nodded

"I need you to promise you won't find him and fight him. I don't want you to get hurt, I also want you to promise that you will check on her every day."

"I will definitely check on her, I'll come over in the mornings before me and you have to go talk with Macey, I'll call on our lunch break, and me and you can visit before we head home" I reassured her

"What about not fighting him?" She asked

"I won't fight him. But I will talk to him." I looked at her

"No." She said sternly

"What? Florence I'm not going to get him just get away with this! I told him what would happen if he hurt her!" I raised my voice

The bodyguard (Florence Pugh)Where stories live. Discover now