The meeting

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Florence POV:
I was getting a new bodyguard today, I knew nothing about them. I had to get a new guard because the last one wasn't doing his job right was on his phone 99% of the time. Me and my team were on our way to meet this person for the first time

Time skip

We were waiting for about five minutes before they showed up, pretty impressive not going to lie.

"Sorry, im late, traffic was rough"

I look up to see a woman wearing a suit with a white button-up and sunglasses. I noticed a little pin on the right side of her blazer before I could say anything about it, my manager Macey (who is also my best friend) speaks up.

"So Ms.Pugh over here knows nothing about you so why don't you two have a chat while the rest of us go talk"

Macey smirks at me. Is it just her or are all gingers crazy? I give her a questioning look as she leaves me and the woman alone, as she came closer I saw her pin better

"Excuse me?"
"Oh uh, I was just looking at your pin, your lesbian?" 
"Yes I am"

The girl smiled a friendly smile at me

"Please take a seat and we'll get started"

As the girl sat down she took off her sunglasses. Her eyes were green like the forest, I noticed her pupils dilated due to the sun shining in throw the window

"So I'll start by asking your name and pronouns. If you don't feel comfortable sharing any of this information please let me know after I ask the question"

I smiled lightly, the woman had a smile on her face as if she just won the lottery

"My name is Samantha but I go by Sam and my pronouns are she/her. Thanks for asking"

I nod my head and think on any other questions I should ask her

"Do you have any experience with this sort of thing? Besides having the basic outfit"

I chuckle at myself, Sam even laughed

"Well I was working for a few other people before your team reached out to me, I also worked at bars and clubs when I first started working"

Her eyes sparkled as she was talking about her past jobs, she loved her job as much as I loved mine

Time skip #2

After some time of getting to know Sam, I thought she was excellent for the job. I offered her the position of being my driver as well and I'd pay her double. She took the job but would much rather be paid for just one in case either of us changes our minds about this.

"Well, Sam it was wonderful meeting you I have your number so I'll get back to you with the schedule and what times work for you"

We both stood up and shook hands, she was putting her blazer back on and I noticed that on her wrist there was a tattoo

"If you don't mind me asking what's that tattoo on your wrist?"

She looks down at her wrist and smiles

"It's a music note. Nice meeting you Ms.Pugh"

She smirked at me then left. I just stand there shaking my head. This girl is something else

The bodyguard (Florence Pugh)Where stories live. Discover now