First day

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Sam's POV
Ms.Pugh sent me the schedule and asked if the times were good or if she needed to reschedule anything, luckily for her everything looked fine. I would start my 'first day' Sunday which is tomorrow

Time skip to Sunday

I got in my car and drove to where Ms.Pugh needed to be picked up. I arrived a few minutes early so I decided to play some music while I waited. After a few songs, there was a knock at my window

"Are you here for Florence?"
"Yes I am"

I smiled at the person as they walked away. 30 seconds later and I see Ms.Pugh walking with the ginger girl, I don't quite remember her name and to be honest I don't remember the names of the other members either

"Thanks again Macey"

So that's her name. Need to make a mental note of that

"Oh no need to thank me doll, it was a pleasure"
"We'll have to do it again soon"
"Of course! Now get going don't want you to be late!"

Ms.Pugh got in the car and put her belt on. She said bye to Macey one last time and then put her glasses on

"Ready to go?"
"Oh yes! I'm sorry I should have told you"

She giggled and I smiled back, her laugh is the cutest thing ever.

"Where do you need to go, Ms.Pugh?"
"Oh 22nd Street, and please call me Flo"
"No can do ma'am"
"Sam that makes me seem so old. If you're not gonna call me that then, please call me Florence"

I shook my head and started laughing.

"Ok ok, Florence it is"
"Thank you"

I looked back at Florence from the rearview mirror to see a big smirk on her face as we make eye contact. I start the vehicle and start driving, a good song comes on so I turned it up and started quietly singing to myself. I hear Florence giggle but don't do anything about it as I see a cord of people around us.

"Um, Flo?"

I started to get nervous with everyone around the car, I didn't want to kill someone

"I- have you looked out the window?"
"No I've been looking over something, why do you ask?"

I pointed out the window for her to look at what was happening right in front of us.

"Shit, Sam your gonna have to find another way out of here. Someone must have tipped them off that I'd be seen with you today."

Florence took a hat out of her bag and shoved it on her head and looked down so no one would get pictures with her face.

"What do I have to do with this? I'm not fam- oh I get it now"

I stopped talking and tried to see if there was another exit but there wasn't. I took off my seat belt.

"Get out"
"Get out I have a plan"

I took my blazer off and got out of the car. I left my door opened then opened Florence's.

"Are we walking past all those people?"
"No, we're going to go through that building over there"

I pointed to the building to the far left.

"How do you know we can even get in?"

Florence was still in the car waiting to hear my plan.

"I know someone who works there, I'll call them while we walk"
"Why is your blazer off?"

I looked over to where the crowd was, they were moving closer

"Flo, we have to go now, just trust me ok?"

And with that, she got out of the car I closed my door and went back to her. I put my blazer over her head and shoulders so she was covered. I didn't want to do this but I had to call her for Florence's sake

"Hey, I need your help"
"Sure what's up?"
"I'm outside your building, back door I need to get to the front right now"
"Can I ask what for?"
"I'll explain when we get in I promise"
"Ok give me a minute"

She hung up and I guided Florence to the back door. I was tapping my right hand against my leg while my other hand was in my pocket.

"Hey calm down it's ok. I'm fine no damage was done just take a breath."
"I am calm"
"Hold your hand still."

I did as she said and it was shaking like crazy.

"I don't do good with crowds like that, the flashing lights and the screaming is too much"

I looked down and just as she was about to say something the door swung open.

"Hello ladies"

She smirked at us. I hated this so much, almost as much as I hated her.

"So Samantha who's this?"
"Tracey this is Florence, Florence this is Tracey."
"Ah nice to meet you Florence, how do you put up with my sister?"

She smirked at Flo and I could tell she was uncomfortable.

"We aren't a thing Cey cey"
"Don't call me that Samantha"
"Don't call me Samantha then."

I looked over at Florence and gave her an 'im sorry' smile she just shook her head and walked forward a bit.

"So what happened?"
"Pops. They got a tip that she was going to be seen with me today"

And that's all that was said until we got to the gates waiting for the car to be dropped off.

"Well I'm glad I got to see you sis, and as to you Florence. Do come to visit again"
"Yeah right"

I didn't want to see her ever again. The car pulled up and the person walked out handing me the keys. Florence was a bit late for her shoot but they said it was ok because their systems were being slow anyway.

"That was a hectic first day for you I'm sure, thanks for the help"
"That's what I'm here for Flo"

I smiled at her and gave her a hug

"I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded my head and watched her walk into her house just making sure she was ok. I got in the car and started it I was about to drive off when there was a knock at my window for the second time today.

"You forgot this"
"Oh thanks"

And she was off again, I drove off but not before beeping at her basically saying goodbye. I am gonna have a time with this girl I just know it.

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