Chapter 18

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I sigh for the 100th time & check my watch once again. We've been waiting for 3 hours. My mother, Sage & Milo are here also waiting. I had asked Sage to bring Vanessa & Elliot extra clothing so they'll change into fresh new clothes.

The Valentino family is working to find out who shot Leo & how we'd get the man. The rage I feel right now is unbearable. I'm trying my best to keep calm but I can't. The urge to go on a killing spree right now is eating me inside.

"Apollo?" I look down at my princessa resting her head on my lap & smile. The beast inside of me calming down a bit. She cried so much, she ended up sleeping.

"Yes beautiful?" I caress her cheeks & she rubs her eyes.

"Did they say anything?" She asks, sitting up.

"No not yet." I sigh & she nods, her eyes filled with sadness. I rub my face in frustration & look at my watch again.

"Familia Valentino?" We all stand & stare at down at the doctor in front of us. He fixes his glasses & gulps.

"Is Leo okay? How did the surgery go?" Vanessa asks & the doctor stares at her, confused.

"I don't think he understands you." Milo says & she nods.

"La bala no alcanzó su corazón por 3cm. Se recuperará bien. Podrá volver a casa en unas pocas semanas. Actualmente está durmiendo pero puedes verlo si quieres." My mother thanks him & he nods.

The bullet missed his heart by 3cm. He will recover just fine. He can return home in a few of weeks. He's currently sleeping but you can see him if you'd like.

"Cuál es el número de su habitación?" Milo asks.
What's his room number?

"237." We nod & walks away.

"Apollo what did he say?" Vanessa grabs my hand, her eyes filled with concern.

"He's okay. The bullet missed his heart by 3 cm but he will fully recover in a few weeks & he'll come home. He's currently sleeping right now." I smile & she lets out a breath of relief. A weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Milo taps my shoulder, motioning me to go outside with him.

"Primo, they got a hit on the fucker who shot Leo." He says & my body tenses, anger fills my body.

"Who?!" I say, pure anger laced in my voice.

"Lino & guess who sent him." He sighs.

"Who?" I raise an eyebrow & he shows me a picture of my cousin, Mario.

"Mario?! He sent someone to fucking kill Vanessa?" I say, I run my fingers through my curls in frustration.

"I guess it's a warning." Milo says, the veins in his neck bulging. He's keeping himself calm but I know his mind is going 100 miles per hour.

"A fucking warning? For what? For removing his fucking finger that he can easily attach back on by a doctor? I will fucking kill him." I say, punching the hospital door & the glass breaks. My hand begins bleeding & I wipe the blood on my shirt.

"Apollo, calm down." He says & I take a deep breath. I walk back into the hospital & the nurses stare at me with fear, I ignore their stares. I walk over to my princessa & she stares at me with a concerned face.

"Are you okay?" I nod. I lean down & cup her face, connecting our lips. I need her. I pull away & rest my forehead against hers.

"Don't ever leave my side again." I say & she nods. I hug her & she rests her head against my chest.

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