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So I came out as ace to my mum this morning before school,  I came out as bi 2 years ago and it didn't go too well but it's cool now. It was the smoothest and most awkward way I could and it kinda failed. It went like this:

Me: So it's really sad how pedophiles are continuously trying to be part of the LGBTQ+ community, we do keep rejecting them at every turn but they are just persistant.

Mum: The only group they're part of is the gross, shouldn't-exist group. 

Me: EXACTLY! *realises I can turn this into me coming out* And they reject aces sometimes even though we're compleatly valid!

Mom: *doesn't catch it*

Me: I'm ace by the way

Mom: What's ace?

Me: I dont experiance sexual attraction

Mom: Well, that's just because you're 14, you shouldn't!

Me: *remembers how a LOT of my classmates do* Uhhh, ok, well I'd better go catch the bus! *leaves*

So yeah, it went decently I guess.

Ace and Bi stuff (demi-girl too)Where stories live. Discover now