The Moment of Truth

Start from the beginning

Silas stands with Arthur in front of all the villagers "I know Kanen's kind. He'll be back. And when he is, you must be ready for him. First of all, we have to prepare for..." Arthur starts. "Am I the only one wondering who the hell these two are?" the man who was talking to Merlin asks from next to the girl Silas saved. "I'm Prince Arthur of Camelot. This is my brother Silas." Arthur tells him. "Yeah, and, er, I'm Prince William of Ealdor. This is my sister Annalise." Will responds. "Keep quiet. They're here to help us." Hunith tells Will. "But he's made things worse. Kanen will be back, and when he is, he'll be looking for revenge. You've just signed our death warrants." Will says. "He saved Matthew's life!" Hunith exclaims. "That's alright, Hunith. This is his village. What would you have us do?" Arthur asks Will. "We can't fight against Kanen. He has too many men." Will comments. "So what's the alternative?" Silas asks. "Give him what he wants." Will responds making the villagers shake their heads and Annalise look at her brother in shock. "Then what? Those of you who don't starve to death will face him again next harvest! And the harvest after that." Arthur tells him. "We'll manage. We'll survive." Will tells the village. "How?" someone asks. "The only way he can be stopped is if you stand up to him." Arthur tells Will. "No. You just want the honour and glory of battle! That's what drives men like you! Look, if you want to fight, then go home and risk the lives of your own people, not ours!" Will accuses the Princes. "Will." Merlin says going after Will. "I'll follow you. If I'm to die, then I want to go out fighting." Hunith tells tells the Pendragon brothers. "That goes for me, too." Matthew, a villager, says stepping forward. "You can count me in." a villager agrees. "I'm in." another chimes in. "Me too!" a women adds. "Yeah!You can count me in!" another man nods.

Silas watches as his brother and everyone starts to disperse, Annalise walks over "My Lord, I'd like to say thank you again for saving me." she tells him. "It was nothing my lady and please, call me Silas." he responds smiling and giving her a small bow. "Silas it is but I'm not a lady." Annalise smiles. "You are to me." Silas tells her, kissing the back of her hand as he bows again. Annalise blushes "May I help you with your horse? I've always loved them, they are truly beautiful animals." she asks shyly. "Of course." Silas smiles, putting out his arm. Smiling Annalise takes his arm and lets him lead her over to his horse where they find Morgana and Gwen taking the saddles off their own horses "Silas." Morgana smiles. "Morgana, this is Annalise. Annalise, this is Morgana. She's my sister for all in tense and purposes." Silas introduces them. "My lady." Annalise curtsies with a smile. "Please call me Morgana, this is Gwen." Morgana smiles. Annalise now "Annalise wanted to help with the horse as she loves the animal." Silas explains. "Of course, we always accept help from new friends." Morgana nods. Annalise smiles and follows Silas to his horse "This is Clover, she's one of the best horses I've ever ridden." Silas tells her. "She's truly beautiful." Annalise compliments stroking Clover's nose. Silas smiles "We can go for a ride tomorrow... if you'd like to that is?" he asks her. "I've never actually ridden a horse." Annalise blushes. "I could teach you?" Silas suggests. Nodding Annalise smiles "I'd like that." she responds.

" she responds

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