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I could hear the hustle and bustle of the stage as I began to make my way downstairs for day two of rehearsal, dreading every step I took towards the stage. Day one was a complete disaster. Props missing, ballet rats crying, and out of tune and broken instruments from the sudden scramble. I had to buy myself a new pair of slacks for the sudden dirty work I had to do up in the rafters and down on the stage, pulling ropes that had to be taken down immediately, moving props to locations then moving them again, and painting props that had to be repainted once more. I was even able to help in the plaster department, and by the time I was moved somewhere else I was covered in paint, dust, and spots of wet plaster all over me.

Working with Basseri had only made it worse. He was becoming a better Opera Ghost than Erik had. Untying ropes that I had pulled, 'repainting' my work by spilling a bucket of paint on the tapestry I had been working on, a wet plaster mold falling over and spilling onto the floor, and certain props disappearing where they had been, causing me to search all over the stage for them, Jacob smirking every time I rushed by him. Many times I had been tempted to give him the bird as I passed, but thought better of it and tried to stay as far away from him as possible.

By the time that we had all gone to bed that night, it was safe to say that everyone in the Opera Populair had accomplished almost nothing in the dire and hopeless need to get everything done at once. Everyone in the Opera House wanted this show done and over with.

The new day sparked a new hope, and everyone was awake and downstairs by 7 to get things done. The sound of people scrambling and shouting met my ears as I walked onto the stage. I spied Bayard rapidly talking to a stagehand as I neared him.

"Monsieur Bayard," I called and he turned to me, "Good morning, sir."

"Morning Mademoiselle," he said with a tired smile.

"What shall it be today?" I smiled back, "Props? Paint? Heavy lifting? Molds? Series of, well, everything?"

Bayard chuckled, but shook his head, "Usually all four, but not today, Mademoiselle. The Managers have asked for you, they've been wishing to speak with you all morning."

I nodded, "Thank you, Monsieur." I turned and looked away, glancing over the stage for a sign of the two.

There were people running around me, carrying ropes, props, and costumes. A group of people stood to the side, reading over a series of papers. In the middle of the stage I finally spied the managers, holding the score in their hands as they paced around a practice piano. I could hear them shouting as I approached them.

"Ludicrous!" shouted Andre to Firmin, waiving the score in his face, "Have you seen the score?"

"Simply Ludicrous!" he replied as he looked a page over.

"It's the final straw!"

"This is lunacy,

Well, you know my views!" Firmin continued, slamming the score onto the piano.

"Utter lunacy!" replied Andre.

Firmin shook his head, "But we daren't refuse!"

Andre looked around nervously, "Not another murder, here."

Firmin pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, "Look, my friend,

What we have here?" He held out the note to Andre. He took it from him carefully.

"Dear Andre,

RE: My Orchestrations.

We need another first bassoon." I looked over at the bassoon player, who had turned pale at this and slowly backed away and hid behind the curtain.

Of Masks And Rosesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن