She replies fake as fuck, "Aw i'm just teasing Cory baby." He nods. I want to wipe that fake ass chuckle right off her overly foundationed face.

  The bell rings and we head off to our lockers. I see a guy throw a girl against the lockers, literally a few inches away from me, and they start making out. I roll my eyes and slam the red metal door making them both jump. I ask annoyed, "Seriously, can you not?"

I walk away and downstairs to C hallway towards my first class of the day, pre cal. I walk in and scan the room for anyone I know. There's a couple people but no one I'd actually want to sit with so I just take a seat in the back.

Once class is dismissed, I get up and out of my seat and start walking upstairs to D hallway for world literature after putting in my wireless earbuds and turning on Spotify.

  I hide my hair over my ears so the principal doesn't see them. She's very strict about no listening to music on the way to class. She stops at least twenty kids every transition to the next period each day and drags them to her office.

  I push my way through slow people and eventually make it to the door of my next class. It seems like i'm the only one who cares about making it on time. Some freshman try to but most people here just don't give a fuck. Maybe it's because I try not to get in trouble as much as possible since any adult who tells me to at least be quiet in class make me cry. Seriously embarrassing, who doesn't hate people seeing them cry though?

  I cross my fingers hoping this time I'll see a friend. I hate when I don't, it makes the class more boring, no one to talk to.

  I walk in and see my friend Brynn. A wave of relief hits me when I see her wave my over to her with her hand. I sit in the empty seat next to her and she says, "Hey Y/n!" I reply excited, "Hey there!"

  I look over to the front of the room to get a glance at our teacher. I do a double take seeing that it's the gorgeous woman from earlier.

I ask looking back at Brynn, "Do you know anything about her?" She responds, "Ms.Venable? She's new, i've heard she's really strict and like to make kids cry."

  I chuckle and take out some things from my bookbag and place them on my desk. The late bell rings and Ms.Venable walks over towards the door to close it, with her cane in hand.

  A guy frantically knocks on the door. Ms.Venable makes a shooing away hand motion and locks the door. She says, "Take this as an example, if you are late to my class, you won't be allowed in and your name will be added to the book where I write who was absent that day.

  She walks to the board and starts writing her name on it with a purple expo marker saying, "This is my name, Ms.Venable. Call me anything else, and you'll regret you did."

Wow she really likes purple, I mean I do too, it's my favorite color, but her whole outfit is purple and so are the expo markers, all of the expo markers. Brynn whispers, "Wow rumors were right about her scariness."

  I lightly chuckle and Ms.Venable looks at her and asks, "I'm speaking, it's rude to speak when someone is, am I not correct." She freezes and replies, "Um... yes Ms.Venable, it won't happen again." She asks, "What's your name?"

  She answer with a shaky voice, "Brynn Lawson." She writes her name on the board then above it writes Lunch Detention. She says turning around, "I've started a list of people's names who disobey and break rules, so don't irritate me."

  One of the "funny" guys, who was in my history class last year, raises his hand and she asks, "Yes?" He looks at his friend and chuckles before looking back at her asking, "What if we already have lunch detention for another teacher's class? Does that mean YOURS doesn't count?"

  She answers with a frustrated sigh, "Critical thinking skills would tell you that it would be for the next day then. They say no dumb questions exist, but here we are." His friends start laughing at him and she continues, "Now, turn your textbooks to page 6."

  A guy from my art class two years ago raises his hand, " She rolls her eyes and asks with some frustration in her voice, "Yes?"

He asks, "Why are we starting off with actual work? This is the first day, you're suppose to do the whole get to know us shit like the other teachers do."

  She responds, "Well, i'm not like other teachers, I don't care to know all your boring interests and about your personal lifes, having to know just your names is enough. Why don't you tell me YOUR name."

  He replies, "Oh great now i'm going on the dann board, the name's Walter." She doesn't move or say anything, she just stares at him and in a way to make anyone sweat. He says, "Ms.Venable, i'm actually not joking, that's my name. My mom named me after Walt Disney because she's a big disney fan, she literally goes six times a year."

  She nods and turns around then picks the expo marker back up and writes Disney boy on the board. He asks, "What did I do wrong though?"

She puts the marker down and replies as she turns back around to face the class, "I'm the only one that's allowed to use that kind of language in here."

  He asks, "How did I break the rule if I didn't know the rule existed?" She points with her pointer finger to a few rules she wrote down on the end corner of the whiteboard and says, "It's not my fault you don't pay attention to your surrounding."

  This women is a bit scary, but it's so hot, her whole being is so hot.

They're dead ~Ms. Venable AHSWhere stories live. Discover now