There was Just Barren Earth

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My eyes fluttered open, scanning the vastness that engulfed me. It was silent, and almost eerily so. There was no life, it was devoid of all attributions that would mark this as a land worth living in. I took a step, though no sound was made. It was then I understood this was a world yet to be created. 

Before me, a man stood, devoid of all features, but some welcoming aura. He tilted his head, a soft laugh erupting from the blankness of his face. "Hello," He greeted. "Welcome."

"Who are you?" 

The question was followed by silence as the figure shifted, looking around. "I'm Grayson, a pleasure to meet you." He answered at last, offering a hand. I was hesitant, but took it into my own. Compared to my own complexion, he was rather grey, and perhaps that led to his name being such.

I took a step back, eyes scanning the blank figure, as if he'd shift into something more humane. What did a human look like?

He reached forward, palm outstretched and open to my view. "Here, have this." He insisted, dropping it into my waiting hand. I lifted it, examining the small speck. Something so small could grow into something spectacular if I let it. 

"Thank you, but where should I..."

"That's not a question I can answer." The figure spoke, turning away. I stumbled on my thoughts, but glanced to the floor, searching for something that could signal that it was able to support life, a small piece of land (even if it's just an inch) that could carry and grow a seed. I smiled warmly, walking along the barren soils, looking for a place I could deem perfect.

And finally, a damp portion of the land lent me an idea. I knelt close, pressing my fingers to the soil. If it was too much water, the seed would drown; if it was too dry, the seed would not have enough water to begin its life. 

Fortunately, the soil felt perfect. 

I dug a small hole, dropping the seed within. It sat firmly at the bottom, held nicely by the soil around. I scooped the soil back on top of it, smiling at what could one day be an amazing specimen. 

"There..." I spoke softly, glancing over my shoulder, hoping Grayson would be there to lead me. What rested behind me now was a river. A silent prayer answered, something that would help me keep my tree alive.

Standing, I found that another tree seemed to be growing in the distance. I smiled, hurrying over to see whose it is. Another devoid figure stood before the tree, surrounded by the many figures that seemed to live here. 

"Isn't the tree spectacular?" A smaller figure spoke. I nodded, eager to get close enough to graze it, but the figure who owned it ushered me away. I stared, almost confused as to why he'd keep us away from such a spectacular thing.

"It's lovely."

"It's mine." The figure growled. 

I looked over my shoulder, deciding that I shouldn't try to make war with him, when I can use the time to take care of the small seed I planted in the ground. 

I reach the spot, near the lively portion of the river. The only place where much life showed. I dipped my fingers into the flowing stream, the coolness coursing through my veins. I smiled, the idea of life thriving in my mind. 

I walked to my tree, being greeted with a sensation I hadn't expected. Pieces of green sticking from the ground, hugging my feet with gentleness and kindness, something that felt entirely new.

A figure stood nearby, laughing, almost tauntingly. I tilted my head, perhaps it was Grayson. (No, a dark voice whispered. It is not.) "Hello?"

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