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(Word count: 1183)

After introducing myself to Faye, Lexi bought me some sour straws as a way of saying thank you. "I want some sour straws." Ashtray mumbled under his breath. "That's to fuckin bad Ash. Plus the only reason I get these is because my birthday is tomorrow." I told him, biting into one of the straws. He turned to me very shocked. "Tomorrow's your birthday?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes. "Why? Do you care?!" I giggled. "No. Wh- why would I?" He asked while looking at the floor. I just hit his shoulder and skipped back inside.

I made sure he wasn't looking and grabbed his unlocked phone that was playing music. I slipped it into my pocket and sat down, acting as if nothing happened. He started patting his pockets and looking around. "Ayo, you seen my phone?" "No, but it can't be far. There's still music playing." I said, pointing to the speaker. He nodded and kept looking. He was standing over the speaker when I switched the song to baby by Justin Bieber, he jumped. I stood up and started singing and dancing, pointing at him to join in.

"Nah that shits embarrassing bruh. Give me my phone." He whined, stepping closer to me. "Not until you dance. I won't judge." He shook his head and darted his hand out to grab his phone, I simply spun the other way and sang even more. "Baby, baby, baby ohhhh!" I sang at the top of my lungs. I put his phone up to my lips as a microphone and stared into his eyes as I sang. I swear to god I saw him smile at me, though he would never admit it.

Eventually the song came to an end and I plopped down into my chair. I was out of breath, I started cackling when I saw his face. It was a mixture of shock and what looked like adoration, but coming from him made me diss the idea. "Oh come on Ash. I had so much fun!" I laughed some more. "That was dumb as hell Hayden." I shook his head and went to sit down. As he sat down he grabbed his phone from my hands. "And that's why you're a bitch. Tomorrow is my birthday so I deserve to get to see you dance." I sighed, staring at the ceiling.

"That's never gonna happen Hayden. I have a life remember?" He asked, looking at me. "Oh right... well it fuckin sucks ass." I responded, returning the look. My phone buzzed. He looked away as the door opened and three boys walked in asking for stuff.

Come on. Lunch is ready at home.

K cool. Be right
Read: 12:25

I turned to Ash as the other boys left. "I gotta go. See ya later bitch." I spun my chair around once and stood up. "Yeah, see ya." He answered, watching my every move with a tiny smirk. I never noticed the smirk though.

"Bye Fezco!" I punched his shoulder. "Bye kid. Happy early birthday." He told me, the slightest bit of emotion coming from his voice. Lexi locked hands with me and swung our hands dramatically. I looked at Faye as we passed. "Bye." I waved. She just smiled, and Lexi and me made our way home. When we got home my mom walked out of the kitchen with her wine. "Hey baby, what do you want to do tomorrow night?" She asked, referring to my birthday dinner. "Oh um... surprise me I guess. Whatever you do is fine momma." I replied.

But what I really wanted was to see Ashtray and I didn't even have an explanation as to why. I couldn't get him out of my head, and for some reason his voice made me happy. I mean he didn't talk that much but when I could get him to it made me happy to hear it. But for the sake of not making me seem like a creepy weird stalker, I was just going to deal with not spending time with him, and he didn't like me anyways. He made it pretty obvious that he hated me, he just had to tolerate me because of Lexi and Fezco's 'situationship'. Plus I could not let Maddy think she was right about me liking him.

Cassie had made her way downstairs and was snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Stop staring at the table like that, it makes your eyes wrinkle." She said, proceeding on her way to ask my mom a question. "You're such an asshole. Come on Lex let's make some popcorn." I took Lexi's arm and sped-walked to the kitchen. She got some popcorn from the pantry as I jumped up to the counter to sit down. "Bro Cassie acts as if she's so perfect when she literally looks like Yzma from the Emporer's new groove when she stares." I complained. Lexi just listened, being the observer she was. That's why we got along so well is because I could talk for hours and she could listen for hours, and when it came to a time that someone had made her super mad, she would talk and I would listen in return.


We had ended up watching a movie with my mom while Cassie was out with Kat. I knew she was lying though because I had been snapping Kat all night and Cassie was nowhere to be seen. I didn't really care though, so I didn't ask. I FaceTimed my friend from New York (I met her through Instagram) and she told me Happy birthday. I tried to fall asleep on my own but found myself in Lexi's bed halfway through the night.

I woke up to my sisters, mom, and Maddy singing me happy birthday. They had bought me a donut from Dunkin while I was sleeping. Then I spent my day receiving birthday posts and cards, and opening presents from my family. My favorite gift was from Lexi, she had gotten me a framed picture of us when we were little. It was of us sitting with our dad, Cassie was about to fall of the top of the playhouse and we were all laughing while she was crying.

At exactly 9:30 p.m. I got a text message. Maddy, Kat, BB, Rue, and Gia we're over when my phone first buzzed. Because we were eating cake I ignored it at first. But when I got another one at 9:40 I got annoyed and opened it.

Come to the shop
I got sum to show u

Don't ignore me

Why? Do you
miss me bitch??

Nah I just wanna
show you something

And it can't wait?

No so stop being
a stubborn asshole
and come over here.

K well you gotta
let me ask my mom

Hurry up I'm not

She said yes. Can
Lex come??


Whatever I'm coming now
Read: 9:53

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