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(Word count: 1004)

Ashtray's POV:

I couldn't move. Hayden was asleep and I was scared that if I moved I would wake her. She just looked so peaceful, and every once in a while she would smile. I would never tell anyone, not even Fez, but I thought she was incredibly beautiful at that moment.

I knew that eventually something or someone would end up waking her up, and I didn't want that. Luckily I saw her sister Lexi walking over to Fez. "Is that Hayden?" She asked, bending down to look at her sleeping sister. "Yeah." I said. I quickly moved my hand to cup her falling head. If I had been looking I would've noticed the smirk Lexi and Fez shared.

"Aye Lexi?" I spoke up. She looked at me and smiled. "I was wondering would it be ok if I took her away from this party? I don't want some dumbass to wake her up." I said, instantly regretting that I referenced my concern for Hayden. Lexi's face lit up suddenly, which is not at all what I was expecting. "I think that's a good idea Ashtray. Just have her back tomorrow morning before my mom wakes up." Lexi answered my question.

I had stood up and picked up Hayden. As I was walking away I could just make out what Lexi and Fez had whispered. "I don't know why but I feel like she might be the safest when she's with him." Lexi informed Fez. "He didn't even get mad when she called him 'Ash'." Fez answered her. That exchange of words lightened my mood for some odd reason. To be honest I only let the people I like call me Ash, and we'll except for Fez that's really nobody, but her she could call me that. Plus it sounded good coming from her mouth.

When we finally got back to my place, I carried Hayden back to my room. I took her shoes off and threw a blanket over her. I took a second to admire her beauty, and unlike her oldest sister Cassie, Hayden's beauty wasn't fake. She was simply beautiful without even trying especially right at that moment when her mascara was smudged just slightly and she was letting out gentle breaths. She had no worries or anxiety, she was peaceful. I wished she could know what I felt for her at that moment; I promised myself I would never tell anyone, but that night is when I became her's.

Figuring that it might get weird if I just stood there and stared for any longer I decided to sleep on the couch that night. I had just turned to leave when she stirred and fluttered her eyes open. "Ash?" She asked, looking at our surroundings confused. "Lexi told me to take you back to my place to let you sleep. I'm just gonna take the couch." I turned to the open door. "Oh okay. Well good night then Ash." She said in her sweet voice. "Night." I whispered.

I had turned to walk down the hallway when I heard her again. "Wait!" She called to me. I backed up and stood in the doorway once again, looking at her. She took that as a sign to speak. "I don't want to be alone..." She was staring at her hands now, looking a bit flustered. I didn't make it obvious as I slipped off my shoes. I slowly and awkwardly climbed up next to her and layed back into the pillows. She looked back at me, and she too layed down. Her head rested in between my shoulder and chest. We layed there silently for a while, both of us looking at the ceiling.


Hayden's POV:

"I don't want to be alone..." I said, just under a whisper. He shifted awkwardly and I mentally face palmed, thinking he was going to decline me. The truth was I really didn't want to be alone I hated it, that's why sometimes you would find me climbing into Lexi's twin bed. If she got annoyed she never made it obvious, because she would just hold me and comfort me while I cried. This didn't happen every night but most of the time it would. The only other people who knew were my mom, Cassie, and Maddy. I guess now Ashtray.

I was shocked when he slowly crept up the bed finally settling beside me. I turned to look at him, his eyes already searching my tired ones. I slowly layed my head just above his chest. I didn't want to scare him away or anything. We stayed there in a comfortable silence, neither of us moving, to scared to lose this moment. He moved his hand to hold me to him. "Good night Hayden." I heard him say quietly. I looked up at him, his eyes meeting mine. "Good night Ash." I replied in the same tone as him.

I looked back up to the ceiling. In less than two minutes the room was filled with small snores. I looked back at Ash, to see him fast asleep. I gently locked my fingers with his as I tried not to wake him. I sat there admiring his soft skin and small breaths, the way his lips parted slightly in his sleep, and the way he still looked perfect as he dreamt away into the night. I promised I would never tell anyone, but that night is when I became his.

As we layed there in the safety of each other's arms I finally allowed myself to relax. There was suddenly no worries on my mind and zero anxiety to deal with. I realized that even though we had just figured out each other's names three days ago, in Ashtray's arms is where I felt the safest. With the amazement of this new feeling I let my eyes close together, and I drifted into a peaceful sleep; no tears or bad dreams in my mind.

This was my new found paradise...

Till the end || AshtrayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ