10. A Spy With A Kid, Huh?

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"I wa- want to go with you," Amelia cried out as tears ran down her cheeks.

"I know that you do, Melia but it's really important that you stay with Pepper," Natasha repeated her words to the child who shook her head furiously again and stomped her foot.

"I don't want to! I don't want to! No!" Amelia exclaimed as she threw herself down onto the floor and continued to have a hissy fit. "I want to go with you! I want to stay with you and not with Pepper!" she continued to shout.

"Amelia," Natasha stated firmly.

"I want to stay with you!" Amelia exclaimed as she thrashed around on the floor.

Natasha exhaled a sigh and shook her head. "Get up off the floor please Amelia," she told her firmly.

"No!" Amelia shouted and continued to pound her fists down on the floor.

Natasha let out another sigh and shook her head before she moved down to lift Amelia off the floor with ease. "Okay, clearly you're still tired so maybe you need to go back to bed," she stated as she carried the eight-year-old back down the hallway to her bedroom.

"NO!" Amelia cried out in protest and flailed her arms around in Natasha's hold. "I don't need to sleep!" she continued to say.

"I think that you do," Natash said in disagreement as she walked into the child's bedroom and placed her down on the bed and attempted to tuck the duvet back over her, despite the child pulling the duvet away from her.

"I don't want to sleep! I don't want to!" Amelia shouted as she picked up anything in her reach and started to throw it at the older redhead in protest.

"Amelia! Hey, no!" Natasha scolded as she caught the teddy in her hand before it hit her face. "You do not throw your toys because you're upset," she told her firmly as she placed the bear back onto the chest of drawers before she moved to sit down on the child's bed.

"I don't want to sleep! I just want to come with you, mama!" Amelia cried out as she rubbed her eyes furiously.

Natasha smiled softly while she moved to pull the child into her arms to rock her and calm her down. Amelia completely exhausted herself to the point she fell asleep in Natasha's arms.

Amelia slept for several hours in Natasha's arms, the older redhead knew she would have to wake her up soon so she could her ready to go out and have this long-overdue meeting with Fury.

"Wake up детка," Natasha softly spoke as she stroked the child's hair.

Amelia slowly peered her eyes open and brought her fists up to rub her eyes sleepily. "Mama," she mumbled tiredly.

Natasha smiled softly and pressed a kiss to the eight-year-old's head. "I'm here малышка," she said as Amelia rested her head on Natasha's chest and attempted to close her eyes again. "No Melia, you can't go back to sleep. You need to wake up so we can get ready, детка." she told her as she moved slightly to get the eight-year-old to wake up more.

Amelia opened her eyes and slowly sat up still on Natasha's lap. "I'm sorry for having a tantrum and throwing a tantrum," she apologised to the older redhead.

"Thank you for apologising, детка. I know that you were upset and you must have clearly needed the extra sleep," Natasha said as she stood up off the bed and moved over to the closet to pick out some clothes for Amelia to wear. "I know that you want to come with me today to see Fury but it's going to be difficult so I need you to stay with Pepper and behave. No arguments, okay?" she told her.

"I'll behave for Pepper," Amelia agreed quietly.

"Good girl," Natasha said as she smiled and placed the clothes down on the child's bed. "Alright, let's get you dressed and then we can go find you something to eat for breakfast. You still need to eat before we leave," she reminded the child.

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