Chaper One

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  **TW: Abuse**

It's been six years since my Mother, Lily Salvatore died of consumption, but yet my Father, Giuseppe Salvatore has not even batted an eye. The worst day of losing someone is they the day you've lost them. I was 10 when my Mother died. My Older Brother, Damon has been sent away for war by Father. Father doesn't want me near him because i remind him of Mother. My other Brother, Stefan has been occupied getting to work with Father to prepare for our new guest. She's a poor orphan girl named, Katherine Pierce. It was Stefan's idea to take her in, but yet i reckon it was only for Ms. Pierce's looks.
'Knock. Knock.'  "Guenevere, Ms. Pierce is about to arrived". From that gentle voice  it was Stefan. "I'm coming". i say as i fix my long curly brown hair. One lock out of place and Father would kill me. i had to make him proud. i opened my door and Stefan was standing there. "Hello Brother." I say as i close my door behind me. "Guenevere, You don't have to always please Father. He loves you." Stefan says as he walks with me down the stairs.  We reached the end of the staircase and turned towards Stefan. "If Father loves me why does he not treat me how he treats you Dear Brother? and if you must know, I have to please him. If i don't i'm doomed into finding a Husband". Just then Father walks in. "Stefan. Guenevere. Hurry, Ms. Pierce will be here any minute." Father than looks at him up and down. "Where did you get that dress Guenevere?". As i was about to answer, Father interrupted me. "We'll discuss this later Guenevere. Now Let's go, She's arrived".
We all walk outside together to greet Ms. Pierce. She's already waiting by the carriage. "Thank you so ever much for taking me in Mr. Salvatore".  "You don't need to thank me it was all My youngest Son, Stefan's idea". Father says as he looks towards Stefan. "You're very welcome Ms. Pierce. My Brother Damon is fighting a war as we speak, I'm sorry that you can not meet him but i would like for you to meet my little sister, Guenevere".  Father gestures me to greet Katherine. "Oh my apologies, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Pierce". i look over to Father and he can not bare to look at me. "Let me show you to your sleeping space Ms. Pierce". Stefan says as he picks up Katherine's Luggages. I go back to my room. I'm not allowed to leave my room unless i absolutely have too.
'Knock. Knock.'. "Who is it?". i say has i brush my hair. "Um Ms. Salvatore, You have mail." i knew exactly who that was. it was my only friend in this whole town. My servant, Mrs. Ruby Quinn. Her Husband died of consumption the same time around my Mother did. Ruby has been there for me since then. i called her Aunt Ruby ever since.  Her and I can only hangout after lights out or she can get fired. I put my brush down and open the door. "Thank you Aunt Ruby". She hands me my mail then walks away. i close my door behind her. As i flip through my mail i see one with my brother's handwriting. Damon! He wrote back too me! i quickly opened it.
" Dear Gweny,
  I'm on my way home. Stefan wrote to me telling me that he invited a poor orphan girl to stay with us for awhile. I'm off of the war for 4 months. i'll see you when i get home Gweny.
Love, Damon".
i rush towards the door but when i opened it Father was at my door. "Where are you going, Lily". He says as he walks towards me. From the smell of his breath he was drunk. "Father it's me, Guenevere, Mother-". Father then took the letter from Damon out of my hand and looking at it. "WHY DO YOU HAVE THESE TICKETS LILY!". i step back from Him but every step i took back he took forward. Father then grabbed a grip of my hair. "Ow! Father! Please! Its Me! Guenevere!". Father then throws me into my vanity that mother gave me. Making it shatter. "Where's my money Lily". I try to get up but i could not. I didn't say anything but then Father grabbed my hair again. "WHERES MY DAMN MONEY LILY?!". I Sobbed "I didn't take anything, I swear". Before Father can throw me again, Katherine and Stefan barge in. "Father! Stop!". Stefan Pulls Father off of me.
While Katherine picks me up and walks me out of the room into hers. "Emily, Can you get me the bandages". i sit on the bed while wiping my tears. "I apologize for this inconvenience Katherine". Katherine looks at me while taking the Glass shards off of me. "Do not be sorry for someone else's actions. it was not your fault". i look down then start sobbing even more. "But yet it is my fault. If i did not look like my Mother he would have loved me like he loves my Brothers, and it's not like i could leave if i leave have to be forced to be married". i looked up and i see that Katherine is looking at my wound. "Katherine?". Then Katherine looks up at me but there's weird black lines coming from her eyes and her eyes turn a dark red. i jumped up and hold my wound that's on my forearm. "K-Katherine. what's wrong with your face?!". She gets up and her teeth become sharp. She then whooshes towards me. She was unbelievable fast. She then said looks into my eyes. "You Will Not Remember This".
"I Will Not Remember This". "You Will not Scream, And You're Not Afraid." i nodded. Katherine then leans in and bits my necks sucking me of my blood. She then she stops and feeds me her blood. "Thank you". i snap out of it. "Did i zone out again? i apologize Katherine". "It's okay, Guenevere, Look you didn't get hurt, just a little glass on you but all better now". i look down and see if i was okay, i see my dress is bloody. "Who's blood is that?". Katherine looks down. "Oh that's your Fathers blood". i did not remember Father Bleeding. "Oh It's okay I better get going to sleep". I thanked Katherine and walked out and into my room. It was all cleaned? Stefan. Stefan must have cleaned everything for me. I changed out my my dress and put on my night gown. i lay in my bed. i try to forget what happened a few hours ago. i distracted myself but being excited because Damon was coming home soon. With my excitement i fell asleep.

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