Chapter 1

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"I couldn't possibly walk away like nothing after seeing her pushed around and made fun of what she is"

"What did you do then, Mr Hatter?"

"I became her first friend"

"Freak" one of the village girls called out to me, pulling on one of my pointed bunny ears. The group of children around me laughing as you cried out, having to had been backed into a corner from being chased. I was now alone and frightened.

"Stop it!" I cried out, tear's streaming down my cheeks as I tried to push back her hands.

"Aww is the poor bunny crying?" Teased a boy, pulling harshly on my tail that made me yelp. I screamed and plumped back down against the wall in attempt to cover myself, but there laughs kept ringing in my ears. Trying to block there kicks they started to give. One of the girls pulled me back roughly to stand on my feet and slammed me against the brick wall going right threw it earning a few cuts here and there, landing on the wooden floor with a groan of pain.

And that's when I met them...the bright green emerald eyes. Standing there was a boy in a top hat, I've never seen him before. He gave a small gasp, hypnotised of my unusual appearance before widening his eyes as I screamed being dragged back through the wall as if nothing. Paying for the materials of the shop his father asked him for, he dashed out of the door and ran around the corner to see the group of children bullying me. His father who was waiting outside speaking with a friend spotted him running out with a ring of the bell and called out his name that was dead to his ears. The boy with the orange curls shouted "Hey! Stop hurting her!"

The children stopped to look back to see the boy, annoyed of his presence"Or what?" Said one of the kids amount the group.

"Don't get into things that don't involve you" said a boy, pushing him back for the boy to land on his bottom. "Leave or you'll end up the same as her"

The boy's face redden in anger as they laughed, turning back to face my frightened look. He met my terrified gaze and his eyes hardened when he stood back on his feet. Shouting as he lunged forward to push the boy back down on his back. With a closed fist to punch him in the face he was pulled back by another boy who grabbed him by the arms, kicking and shoving to get away. He was pushed back down and scrambled to my side, putting himself in-front of me as I coward behind him, wrapping my arms around his chest frightened. A hand was raised by the boy by was curled up in a firm hand. There standing was a man in a top hat an angry look on his face at the children who circled him with a frightened face of them being caught.

"M-Mr Hightopp" stammered the boy he had his wrist clutched "I-I" he went on his eyes darting to the other children for assistance but received none "We-"

"I don't want to hear it" the man said firmly "you should all be ashamed of yourselves! Bullying others physically" he pushes the boy back to stumble forward towards his friends "Go back to your families, I'll have a word with them about your behaviour and I promise you this! You will be disciplined! Now go!" The children scrambled off, not having to be told twice. Mr Hightopp repositioned his hat and turned back to soften his gaze at his son and me. The boy stood up and extended his hand, asking worriedly.

"Are you alright?"

I sniffled and shook my head, clasping his hand he offered "I-I'm fine now" I stuttered out as he helped me to my feet.

The boy gave a small smile "I'm Tarrant by the way. Tarrant HighTopp and this is my father Zanik Hightopp"

"Oh um-nice to meet you. Thank you for helping me sir.."

"It's no problem" began Mr Hightopp "I couldn't possibly allow this to continue but..." he places a firm hand on his sons shoulder, squeezing it a bit "I suppose you should be thanking my son here. I'f not for him then... you know"

I gazed back at the boy named Tarrant, nodding " Thank you, Tarrant"

"Where are your parents" Mr Hightopp asked, looking around seeing no other adult.

"Oh um...I'm actually an Orphan but my mother is one of the servants at the palace"

"Ah I see. Would you like us to escort you?"

"That would be most appreciated"

"We'll come along now," he gestured as the three of us walked out of the alley into the crowded streets. There was a festival today, reason why it was so chaotic. I was out of the palace because my mother had requested me to give something to a friend of hers and so I did but along the way I was spotted and therefore chased "Oh dear. You forgot something on the list Tarrant" said his father, stopping in-front of a carousel as he looked through the basket of materials.

"I did?" Questioned Tarrant worriedly that he missed something.

Mr Hightopp sighed and reassured his son with a pat on the back "Don't worry , I'll go back and get it. I hope you two can handle your own back to the palace?"

"Yes, father"

"Well then, I'll meet you back home. Take care missy"

"I will" I said with a nod, watching him take his leave. I was brought back to reality when Tarrant grabbed my hand and asked with a eager look, noticing I was staring at the bright carousel with the laughing children having a blast.

"Do you want to get on?"


"On the carousel, do you want to ride it?"

"I've never ridden on one" I admitted quietly, looking down at my shoes.

"You've never rode on one!? That's insane!" He exclaims with a surprised expression and stated "Than let's ride together" I met his gaze, smiling brightly at me. He raised his arm gesturing me to link with him "shall we?"

I gave a giggle and linked arms with him, skipping happily with the boy to get on.

"Are we friends now?"


"You've never had a friend?"


"Then allow me to be your first friend"

Writers note: I am actually so excited for this book. I love the mad hatter and love Alice in wonderland !! Anyway thank you for reading Darlings♡ Xx

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