Night Confessions (Arthur Morgan/ GN reader)

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You liked Blackwater it was a pleasant town. But it seemed that being so close to the water brought with it the strong winds from the sea, sweeping across the shore and campsite the Van Der Linde gang were currently staying. The dark clouds had gathered, the wind howling against the rumbling thunder and odd flashes of lightening. Another night and yet a another storm it seemed. Thank god Arthur had brought a decent tent.

You'd been with the outlaw for a few months now and things were going well, so well in fact that Arthur had suggested the two of you should start sharing sleeping quarters . Some had teased him about it, mostly Sean and John but you had thought the idea was sweet. You were both so busy during the day, each doing your part for the gang, planning jobs and searching for valuable leads so it made sense to sleep together, so the pair of you actually got some quiet time together. You adored the tent Arthur had purchased. It had a very similar layout to John's. It was a decent size for your cots to be push together and fashioned into a makeshift double bed, Arthur had brought his side table inside for all your odds and ends, there was even enough room for a lantern. A chair, a rug and both your chests of clothes that sat at the foot of your bed.

It was certainly cosy and you were proud of the work the two of you had done to make the space your own. It hadn't taken long for Arthur to fall asleep after supper; partially collapsing into your bed from the exhaustion of the day and all the running about Dutch had spent him on. The wind was really picking up now. The walls of your tent flapping and shaking from the shear force of it, the rain hammered against the fabric; you were just grateful it wasn't leaking...yet. You checked your pocket watch for what seemed like the hundredth time, it was getting on for one in the morning and you still hadn't slept a wink. You glanced over at Arthur, his body snuggled up to your side; his body heat radiating against your own. How on earth he could sleep through such a storm eluded you. You flinched at the crash of thunder and shivered a little when Arthur shifted in his sleep and subconsciously hogged the blanket.

You huffed in frustration...great. Now not only were you going to be awake all night, apparently you were also going to freeze as well.

At around half two in the morning you gave up. You were cold, cranky and this damn storm was giving you a headache. You rolled over to Arthur's side of the bed and gently tugged the blanket back towards you. The man simply grunted and twitched in his sleep as a response before turning back to face you. His eyelids flickering as he stirred from his slumber.

"Hmm?" He hummed when his sleepy gaze met your tired eyes. "You okay?" He whispered groggily. "Yeah...just can't sleep, you stole the blanket again."

He stretched his arms a little and wiggled his toes as his joints popped and clicked; his mouth stifling a yawn and a muffled 'Sorry, darlin'. He shuffled across the bed and draped the blanket over the both of you, then reached his arms out to wrap around you and gently pull you close towards his chest. Your head snuggled perfectly underneath his chin. You felt him press a kiss into your hair.

"Storm keeping you awake again?" He asked quietly, it wasn't the first time you'd lost sleep during a thunderstorm and you were certain while you still resided so close to the ocean, your sleepless nights would continue. Perhaps you could try staying in the hotel for a few nights to actually get some rest. Though you knew Arthur wasn't keen of staying in town and if you were being honest; you hated the idea of the going to bed without Arthur now. So used to him being beside you, even through sleepless nights, it made them easier just knowing he was there. Being alone at night was a thought that only filled you with dread nowadays.

You nodded and pushed yourself closer towards him; both of you cuddling each other tightly. He sighed and kissed you again, soft lazy kisses against your hair then your forehead, your nose and finally your lips.

"Try to get some sleep... if you can't, we can head out in the morning and find somewhere quiet you can rest if you want." It was such a sweet offer and you couldn't hep but smile at his considerate side that was easily one your favourite things about this man. When you didn't answer Arthur seemed to drift back to sleep. His eyes slipping closed again and his breath going shallow. You untucked you head from his chin, peeking up at him to see him fast asleep, another smile gracing your features as you enjoyed the sight of him so peaceful. Your fingertips reaching out to softly stroke his cheek before you settled again and prayed for sleep to finally come. "Night, Arthur." You whispered as you finally began to drift off.

"Night, darlin' you." he murmured back. Your eyes shot open. Did he just? Did you hear him right? You were certain you heard him but then you'd also been certain that he'd fallen back asleep. Maybe he was just dreaming and talking in his sleep. But it sounded as though he was answering you. You'd hadn't been together for long and neither of you had said the L word yet. But if you were being honest with yourself you did love Arthur. How could you not? But you'd been afraid to say it too soon and didn't want to risk scaring him away.

You were more awake now than you were before. Your mind racing. Should you wake him and ask him about it? Wait until morning and then ask him? Or choose to ignore the whole thing and pretend it never happened? Would Arthur even remember he said it? You dragged yourself out of bed, well and truly giving up on any attempt of getting to sleep tonight. You quickly got dressed, opting to take out Arthur's winter coat and wrapped it around yourself then sat by the beside table and lit the lantern, thankfully it didn't wake Arthur. You decided to make the most of the night by reading and drawing. Your tired eyes drifting back to your slumbering outlaw every so often as your mind wandered. The love you had for this man was overwhelming, your chest aching at the sight of him. Butterflies dancing about your stomach and it was in that moment you made a loved Arthur Morgan and in the morning you would tell him just that.

(I hope this is okay, to be honest I struggled a little about how to end it so I hope it doesn't come off as abrupt.) 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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