It was just the three of them "I'll give you two a moment alone and I won't tell anyone you've arrived, but you are late!" she walked off annoyed.

"Didn't know my sister was such a grumpy wedding planner?" Charlotte yelled and Belle turned back and glared at her.

"I am no wedding planner, I had to sit with great aunt Betty" Charlotte began to laugh as Belle scolded her.

"Why is she invited?" Charlotte couldn't help herself but laugh and Nate just stared at her

"Who isn't invited, there are like a million people in there.... a bunch who I thought were DEAD" Belle added "she still has that terrible, terrible smelling perfume. I swear I could've passed out on the ride here" Her face looked enraged

"If you see Aunt Betty, run" she stared at Nate warningly and then Charlotte "so many people I hate are here" she groaned and walked off causing Charlotte to laugh more

"Not big family people either" Nate adjusted his tie and she turned to straighten it for him

"We already went over this, they aren't really family, just relatives. Just people we'd see on holiday or occasion but happened to be related god knows how" she added

"Hoping most of my extended isn't here" He said coldly and Charlotte stared into his eyes

"Well let's go" she began walking and soon felt his hand wrap around hers and her heart raced

They made it to big doors that looked like they belonged in a castle and they opened to reveal the venue of hundreds of people cheering. Most faces they didn't even recognize.

Charlotte Crawford

They dispersed talking with some familiar faces. But they just wouldn't go near each other. Charlotte felt most overwhelmed, she wasn't one for social events. She hated gala's or any party she had to take part in growing up. Even ones hosted for her, she'd rather be alone.

"Charlotte Bartlett, or shall I say Crawford" I heard the familiar voice and chuckled

"Oh god who let you out of your cage" I looked to the familiar voice, he was dashingly handsome with soft blonde hair and emeralds green eyes with a charming smile in a tux as usual

"Gosh this was a day I never saw coming, especially after prom and your meltdown"

that little bastard!

"Sorry I wasn't aware that people actually spike punch bowls?" But I couldn't help it I took him in for a close hug

"Yeah I know, I was the one who cleaned up your mess in the morning and burned your dress for you" I closed my eyes shaking them in shame

"Don't worry I'll take it to the grave" he looked at me up and down with a beaming smile

"David was just gushing to me about how this dress is gorgeous on you, you can never burn it" he warned me "unless if your mother truly likes it" that he was right on

"So where is this husband who stole you away from me?" His voice was dramatic which caused me to laugh as he slowly released me from his grip

"That would be me" I closed my eyes at the sound of his voice by some weird instinct

I looked to me already knowing who was there. Nate with an icy smile staring at the two of us awkwardly offering his hand

He didn't have to be so rude

"Axel Jacobs" he offered Nate his hand and Nate stared at it and shook it

"Axel this is Nate and Nate this is Axel" they shook each other's hands sternly as a smile crept on Axels face as he stared at the man

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