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"Ugh, quanto tempo starò qui!?" -Custard

Custard did not act like he used to be, what happened?

"Custard, what happened to you?" -Wizard

"I'll tell you what happened! Fucking Chili Pepper happened to me! DO you realize how energy-draining it is to put up with her shit!? I had to deal with every millisecond of her words and to the wrong person, her words can cut like a knife! Do you realize what I felt!? DO you realize I have feelings too!? You took me out as a noisy brat with fake dreams! Well, sorry! A child cant have an imagination! Oh sorry, I couldn't be a child! Oh sorry that you all are fucking assholes to me!" -Custard

Custard was to the point of screaming as he kept ranting about every flaw WIzard, Strawberry, and GingerBrave had. Custard was showing no mercy.

"Haha, I had to put up with all of your shits for too long! Ahahah HAHAHAH! You don't know what its like" -Custard

"But we do Custar-" -SB

"NO YOU FUCKING DON'T. You were left off easy Strawberry! The only shit that was said to you was to move out of your comfort zone! That's fucking it! And that was rare to hear! You don't know what the fuck I felt! Because if you did... You would be dead by now" -Custard

Strawberry was caught off guard so Custard kicked her in the stomach and booked it out of there. Wizard tried to cast a net spell but he was too slow, Custard had broken a window and jumped out of it... He had run away again... Again.

"Was... This really our faults?" -SB

Strawberry felt tears drop down as GingerBrave tried to comfort her.

"No, this is no one's fault" -GB

Wizard, on the other hand, felt angry with GingerBrave. GingerBrave was playing the victim, again.

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